From the Spinoza Research Network:
Call For Papers: (post-) doctoral Spinoza workshop, June 8-9, 2011,
Ghent University. On June 8-9, 2011, with support of Ghent University's
Doctoral School, the Philosophy & Moral Sciences Department at Ghent
University, is hosting a (Post-)Doctoral workshop on Spinoza. The workshop
will explore Spinoza's philosophy in historic context.
Susan James (Birkbeck), Beth Lord (Dundee), and Willem Lemmens
(Antwerp) have agreed to lend their expertise to the workshop.
We are especially eager to explore ways in which Spinoza's political and
metaphysical views inform each other. We welcome paper proposals from
PhD or Post-doctoral students who wish to participate in the workshop.
Please send an abstract (no more than 500 words) and a brief CV to Eric
Schliesser (Nescio2@yahoo.com) by May 1. Participation is free, but spaces
are limited.
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