“Was not their mistake once more bred of the life of slavery that they had been living?—a life which was always looking upon everything, except mankind, animate and inanimate—‘nature,’ as people used to call it—as one thing, and mankind as another, it was natural to people thinking in this way, that they should try to make ‘nature’ their slave, since they thought ‘nature’ was something outside them” — William Morris
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I'm about to talk with one of my Ph.D. students about hyperobjects tomorrow. In particular, Styrofoam. So I thought it would be good to mention again that Tara Donovan, she of the Thacker cover, has done a number of pieces using the stuff.
you'd have to be concerned about styrofoam as a material if republicans are throwing their weight behind it. the company that produces styrofoam, dow chemicals, also owns dupont - the company responsible for the bophal disaster in india thirty years ago that still afflicts people today. together dow (dupont) and monsanto (convicted criminals) are clear leaders in furthering shareholder science's ecocidal and genocidal tendencies, products tested only by their own labs. eg visit croplife america, croplife australia et al
i would not call this work ecology without nature, but rather shareholder art.
i'm new to your writing tim. my supervisor has suggested i check you out. so far i can't find contentious ecological thinking, but rather old school right wing agendas - polluting art, corporatist science, but, i'll keep ploughing through your back posts. i've ordered your latest book. i have faith there's more here than green tech and brown tech scenarios, and the fact that youre keen to meet steven muecke demonstrates that youre not just taking the piss in an indulged houellebecqian sense.
Hi Patrick, it's good to read your thoughts. I think we have some things in common, in particular a love of Nancy. I really like The Inoperative Community, or as one of my friends calls it, the community of unworking.
you'd have to be concerned about styrofoam as a material if republicans are throwing their weight behind it. the company that produces styrofoam, dow chemicals, also owns dupont - the company responsible for the bophal disaster in india thirty years ago that still afflicts people today. together dow (dupont) and monsanto (convicted criminals) are clear leaders in furthering shareholder science's ecocidal and genocidal tendencies, products tested only by their own labs. eg visit croplife america, croplife australia et al
i would not call this work ecology without nature, but rather shareholder art.
i'm new to your writing tim. my supervisor has suggested i check you out. so far i can't find contentious ecological thinking, but rather old school right wing agendas - polluting art, corporatist science, but, i'll keep ploughing through your back posts. i've ordered your latest book. i have faith there's more here than green tech and brown tech scenarios, and the fact that youre keen to meet steven muecke demonstrates that youre not just taking the piss in an indulged houellebecqian sense.
Hi Patrick, it's good to read your thoughts. I think we have some things in common, in particular a love of Nancy. I really like The Inoperative Community, or as one of my friends calls it, the community of unworking.
PS I hope I can see you in Melbourne.
thanks tim, it would be great to meet up in melbourne. what are your dates?
look for the word 'contact' on my blog and you can email me direct.
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