By Weather Report. There is a moment about 3:25–4:00 that is the sound of liberation.
“Was not their mistake once more bred of the life of slavery that they had been living?—a life which was always looking upon everything, except mankind, animate and inanimate—‘nature,’ as people used to call it—as one thing, and mankind as another, it was natural to people thinking in this way, that they should try to make ‘nature’ their slave, since they thought ‘nature’ was something outside them” — William Morris
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Nubian Sundance
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Theologian, I Mean Economist, against Capitalism
Well this takes some courage. I'm keen to hear it.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Ph.D. Quals Passed
By Mary Ellen Williams. She has very interesting ideas about Percy Shelley, cosmology, scientific instruments and speculative realism. Congrats!
Philosophies of Art and Beauty
...from Plato to Heidegger. Still my favorite textbook after all these years. Edited by Albert Hofstadter. Real, sizable chunks. Chicago Press. Just got my box fresh desk copy.
Queer Ecologies on Student Debt
Such a powerful post, all it needs is this link.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Blimey things are ragged at the end of this quarter. There's a lot to do and the police brutality totally threw me off. May I keep a clear head long enough to see me through this next week.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Ken Russell RIP
He died today. His rather gauche movies sometimes hit the spot. I kind of hated Gothic for making Shelley be such a nutter. But Tommy was pretty intense. Unbelievably my father was music director for Lisztomania (1975), which meant that he had to teach Roger Daltrey how to mime playing the harp. Predictably Daltrey made a rather desultory comment about reading music (namely his inability to do so), which did not impress him.
Occupy UC Davis Meditation and OOO
That was a very good way to start the day, I feel. The passion people brought to Occupy was palpable and it made sitting extremely easy. All one has to do in circumstances like that is bring one's passion and then let it be, coexistent with others. A truly creative time. People were awake, heartfelt and extremely intelligent.
I'm going to paste here something I wrote for the nonviolence conference on meditation, because it may ring some bells with people. The line of thinking is based on my argument that OOO objects (everything) are fundamentally inconsistent, because of a rift between essence and appearance. This has political implications:
[H]ow does meditation look on the ground, in practice, “where the rubber meets the road” to use the awful bureaucratic phrase? One is allowing one's thoughts to exist, without trying to delete them. Thus one is allowing oneself to be inconsistent: the mind is making some effort towards mindfulness, yet there are also thoughts occurring that distract the mind. In higher forms of meditation, the practice has less effort. One is simply allowing whatever happens to happen, no matter what the thought is. Some kind of commitment is required, a commitment not to adjust what is happening. This non-adjusting allows beings to resound in all their contradictory plenitude. Since all phenomena radiate from the nature of mind or from Atman (and so forth, depending on which school of thought one is following), all is purified in advance within the larger space of freedom. Purified here means left in its natural state, which is open and vivid. There thus arises what in Mahamudra and Dzogchen is called non-meditation. This non-meditation is different from not meditating, and also different from meditating. It is simply coexisting with what is. Meditation simply is nonviolence, which means allowing the rift between essence and appearance to persist.
In meditation then, one is both p and not-p at the same time. One is a living contradiction, the contradiction that defines living as such. One coexists in the simplest possible way, namely with oneself. Narcissism thus means self-relating, which means other-relating. Since being myself means never directly being myself, my existence is coexistence, even when hypothetically I am totally on my own. Meditation is thus nonviolent, not simply because it means you are trying to make yourself be gentle, but because you are allowing yourself to exist in your inconsistency. In a group of meditators, this nonviolent coexistence becomes vivid. The person on your left might be plotting to take over the Universe. But what on Earth is he going to do about it in that moment? He is meditating!
Meditation means allowing at least one thing to be inconsistent. Allowing the rift between essence and appearance to persist without causing it to close and thus for essence to evaporate. Nonviolence. Humans must get used to the depth of nonviolence in their being. The Greek term for this getting-used-to is mathēsis, which is fully thought not simply as calculation, but as acclimatization, as growing accustomed to the truth of things. The Tibetan for this getting-used-to is gom, which is the term for meditation. In Buddhism there are three stages of learning: hearing, contemplating, and meditating. Hearing is thorough attunement to the dharma. Contemplating is more deeply digesting it into one's being. Meditating is enacting it, living it, embodying it. This embodiment just is nonviolence, a nonviolence that attunes the layers of a human being—cultural forms, attitudes, psychological states, biological equilibriums, physical being, mind, heart, flesh, bone—to the fundamental inconsistency of reality.
I'm going to paste here something I wrote for the nonviolence conference on meditation, because it may ring some bells with people. The line of thinking is based on my argument that OOO objects (everything) are fundamentally inconsistent, because of a rift between essence and appearance. This has political implications:
[H]ow does meditation look on the ground, in practice, “where the rubber meets the road” to use the awful bureaucratic phrase? One is allowing one's thoughts to exist, without trying to delete them. Thus one is allowing oneself to be inconsistent: the mind is making some effort towards mindfulness, yet there are also thoughts occurring that distract the mind. In higher forms of meditation, the practice has less effort. One is simply allowing whatever happens to happen, no matter what the thought is. Some kind of commitment is required, a commitment not to adjust what is happening. This non-adjusting allows beings to resound in all their contradictory plenitude. Since all phenomena radiate from the nature of mind or from Atman (and so forth, depending on which school of thought one is following), all is purified in advance within the larger space of freedom. Purified here means left in its natural state, which is open and vivid. There thus arises what in Mahamudra and Dzogchen is called non-meditation. This non-meditation is different from not meditating, and also different from meditating. It is simply coexisting with what is. Meditation simply is nonviolence, which means allowing the rift between essence and appearance to persist.
In meditation then, one is both p and not-p at the same time. One is a living contradiction, the contradiction that defines living as such. One coexists in the simplest possible way, namely with oneself. Narcissism thus means self-relating, which means other-relating. Since being myself means never directly being myself, my existence is coexistence, even when hypothetically I am totally on my own. Meditation is thus nonviolent, not simply because it means you are trying to make yourself be gentle, but because you are allowing yourself to exist in your inconsistency. In a group of meditators, this nonviolent coexistence becomes vivid. The person on your left might be plotting to take over the Universe. But what on Earth is he going to do about it in that moment? He is meditating!
Meditation means allowing at least one thing to be inconsistent. Allowing the rift between essence and appearance to persist without causing it to close and thus for essence to evaporate. Nonviolence. Humans must get used to the depth of nonviolence in their being. The Greek term for this getting-used-to is mathēsis, which is fully thought not simply as calculation, but as acclimatization, as growing accustomed to the truth of things. The Tibetan for this getting-used-to is gom, which is the term for meditation. In Buddhism there are three stages of learning: hearing, contemplating, and meditating. Hearing is thorough attunement to the dharma. Contemplating is more deeply digesting it into one's being. Meditating is enacting it, living it, embodying it. This embodiment just is nonviolence, a nonviolence that attunes the layers of a human being—cultural forms, attitudes, psychological states, biological equilibriums, physical being, mind, heart, flesh, bone—to the fundamental inconsistency of reality.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
object oriented ontology,
UC Davis
Occupy Meditation Class
That went beyond well. Full account soon.
Urban Land Project
By Tim Simmons. Very interesting idea. Huge billboards with photos of textures of nonhuman spaces. I wonder how much they are a cry of the heart in a heartless world—haunting reminders of the yonder of Nature within artifice. Maybe I'm reading them wrong. And I've only just started to see them. HT Sam Scott (@bigsagacity).
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
beautiful soul,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
UC Davis General Strike Event Schedule 11.28
Time: 8 a.m.
Event: Yoga
By: Amanda Hodson, Ph.D., Postdoctoral
Researcher in the Department of Land,
Air and Water Resources
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 9 a.m.
Event: Occupy Sanity: Creating Enlightened
Society one Breath at a Time
By: Professor Timothy Morton, Professor of
Literature and the Environment in the
Department of English
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 9 a.m.
Event: Land Grant Universities
By: Mark Von Horn , Student Farm Director
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 10 a.m.
Event: Reflecting on the Now: Where is
Occupy in the Future of Protest
By: Professor Robyn Waxman, Professor of
Design, Sacramento City College &
Founder of Future Action Reclamation
Mob (FARM)
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 10 a.m.
Event: The 15 Movement in Barcelona,
Acampada BCN: From outrage to
By: Carolina Novella, Ph.D. Student in
Performance Studies
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 10 a.m.
Event: Anarchist Anthropology: Cultural
Anthropologists on Anarchist Politics
By: Laura Meek & Whitney Larratt-Smith,
Anthropology Department
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 11 a.m.
Event: Dangers of Corporations Getting the
Full Right of People…and Its Threat to
our Democracy
By: Gary Fitzgerald, Regional Coordinator
for “Move to Amend”
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 11 a.m.
Event: Cops Off Campus: Toward A Safer
By: Joshua Clover, Eleanor Liu, Mohamed
Shehk, & Francis Jarvis, Anthropology
& English Departments and STS
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 12 p.m.
Event: Budget Blues: UC Financial Structure
and Privatization
By: Suad Joseph, Caroline Mckusick &
Kevin Smith, Anthropology Department
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 1 p.m.
Event: Part 1: Three Theories of Power, Three
Forms of Struggle: Marx, Fanon,
Foucault (Parts 2 & 3 will be held on
Tues & Wed)
By: Professor Nathan Brown, Assistant
Professor in the Department of English
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 2 p.m.
Event: Active AND Privileged: Examining
Unintentional and Unconscious
Dominance Within the Protest
By: Dr. Laurie Lippin, Lecturer in the
Department of Human and Community
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Event: The Physicality of Political Action:
Getting over Hierarchical Structures of
By: Nita Little, Ph.D. Candidate in
Performance Studies
Place: East Quad Workshop Space
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Event: American Dissent Series 1: Abolitionism
By: Professor Ari Kelman, Associate
Professor in the Department of History
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 4 p.m.
Event: Happiness, Wealth and Community
By: Emily Baranco, Graduate
Student in Philosophy Department
Place: East Quad Workshop Space
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Event: Tips on Argumentation
By: Colin Murphy, Graduate Student in the
Institute of Transportation Studies
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 5 p.m.
Event: Students Co-Government and the
Concept of University
By: Dr. Paulina L. González-Gómez,
Department of Neurobiology,
Physiology and Behavior
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 6 p.m.
Event: American Dissent Series 2:
Revolutionary War and Free Speech
By: Professor Alan Taylor, Professor in
the Department of Economics
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 6 p.m.
Event: What happened to the economy to
create the lack of funding at UC? And
what do we need to do?
By: Brian Hanley, Ph.D. Butterfly Science
Place: East Quad Workshop Space
Time: 7 p.m.
Event: Foundations of Shambhala
By: Rumana Rahman, Davis Shambhala
Meditation Center
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Event: American Dissent Series 3: Prisoner's
Rights movements in American History
By: Holly Cooper, Lecturer, Immigration
Law Clinic: King Hall Immigration
Detention Project
Place: East Quad Workshop Space
Time: 8:30 -10 p.m.
Event: Hate Crime Action Planning Meeting
By: Townhall III
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 8 a.m.
Event: Yoga
By: Amanda Hodson, Ph.D., Postdoctoral
Researcher in the Department of Land,
Air and Water Resources
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 9 a.m.
Event: Occupy Sanity: Creating Enlightened
Society one Breath at a Time
By: Professor Timothy Morton, Professor of
Literature and the Environment in the
Department of English
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 9 a.m.
Event: Land Grant Universities
By: Mark Von Horn , Student Farm Director
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 10 a.m.
Event: Reflecting on the Now: Where is
Occupy in the Future of Protest
By: Professor Robyn Waxman, Professor of
Design, Sacramento City College &
Founder of Future Action Reclamation
Mob (FARM)
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 10 a.m.
Event: The 15 Movement in Barcelona,
Acampada BCN: From outrage to
By: Carolina Novella, Ph.D. Student in
Performance Studies
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 10 a.m.
Event: Anarchist Anthropology: Cultural
Anthropologists on Anarchist Politics
By: Laura Meek & Whitney Larratt-Smith,
Anthropology Department
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 11 a.m.
Event: Dangers of Corporations Getting the
Full Right of People…and Its Threat to
our Democracy
By: Gary Fitzgerald, Regional Coordinator
for “Move to Amend”
Place: ARC - grassy lawn next to Segundo DC
Time: 11 a.m.
Event: Cops Off Campus: Toward A Safer
By: Joshua Clover, Eleanor Liu, Mohamed
Shehk, & Francis Jarvis, Anthropology
& English Departments and STS
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 12 p.m.
Event: Budget Blues: UC Financial Structure
and Privatization
By: Suad Joseph, Caroline Mckusick &
Kevin Smith, Anthropology Department
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 1 p.m.
Event: Part 1: Three Theories of Power, Three
Forms of Struggle: Marx, Fanon,
Foucault (Parts 2 & 3 will be held on
Tues & Wed)
By: Professor Nathan Brown, Assistant
Professor in the Department of English
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 2 p.m.
Event: Active AND Privileged: Examining
Unintentional and Unconscious
Dominance Within the Protest
By: Dr. Laurie Lippin, Lecturer in the
Department of Human and Community
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Event: The Physicality of Political Action:
Getting over Hierarchical Structures of
By: Nita Little, Ph.D. Candidate in
Performance Studies
Place: East Quad Workshop Space
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Event: American Dissent Series 1: Abolitionism
By: Professor Ari Kelman, Associate
Professor in the Department of History
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 4 p.m.
Event: Happiness, Wealth and Community
By: Emily Baranco, Graduate
Student in Philosophy Department
Place: East Quad Workshop Space
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Event: Tips on Argumentation
By: Colin Murphy, Graduate Student in the
Institute of Transportation Studies
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 5 p.m.
Event: Students Co-Government and the
Concept of University
By: Dr. Paulina L. González-Gómez,
Department of Neurobiology,
Physiology and Behavior
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 6 p.m.
Event: American Dissent Series 2:
Revolutionary War and Free Speech
By: Professor Alan Taylor, Professor in
the Department of Economics
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 6 p.m.
Event: What happened to the economy to
create the lack of funding at UC? And
what do we need to do?
By: Brian Hanley, Ph.D. Butterfly Science
Place: East Quad Workshop Space
Time: 7 p.m.
Event: Foundations of Shambhala
By: Rumana Rahman, Davis Shambhala
Meditation Center
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Event: American Dissent Series 3: Prisoner's
Rights movements in American History
By: Holly Cooper, Lecturer, Immigration
Law Clinic: King Hall Immigration
Detention Project
Place: East Quad Workshop Space
Time: 8:30 -10 p.m.
Event: Hate Crime Action Planning Meeting
By: Townhall III
Place: Sacred Space: (Blue Dome on the Quad)
LUCA: On the Discovery of a Gigantic Lifeform from which All Subsequent Lifeforms Descend
![]() |
Tree of Life with LUCA at the center (download for magnification) |
While I was sleeping off Thanksgiving, the New Scientist wrote this piece about my new fascination: LUCA (the Last Universal Common Ancestor). HT (and then some) Jordan Miller.
What do we know about LUCA?
It existed about 2.9 billion years ago. It was gigantic, filling the planet's oceans. (Haha, we were just talking about Solaris).
It split into three: bacteria, archaea and more complex eukaryotes that gave rise to animals and plants. (In your face underminers! This is a huge entity that split, not smaller objects that assembled!)
5–11% of proteins are common to all lifeforms. Therefore they are in LUCA. These proteins are living fossils of LUCA, which preexist the machinery that now makes them. We have proteins first made by the coding apparatus of LUCA. This is like saying that there are words that preexist all the people who used them. If that isn't spooky I don't know what is. “Language speaks” (Heidegger).
"Structure is known to be conserved when sequences aren't," agrees Anthony Poole of the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, though he cautions that two very similar structures could conceivably have evolved independently after LUCA. (New Scientist)
LUCA had leaky isoprenoid membranes and was multicellular, in order to cope with the rather haphazard way its metabolism worked. It could digest nitrates and carbon. It probably shared DNA and enzymes between cells (the leakiness was exploited).
All lifeforms have in their cells organelles called acidocalcisomes. LUCA contained acidocalcisomes.
LUCA may not have used DNA. It used RNA instead because RNA can store information and control chemical reactions.
When each individual cell could produce all it needed, LUCA was not required. LUCA became extinct, broke apart into three branches. The ability to process what you need within a bounded container is called death drive. I suggest that the split of LUCA into the three branches of life (see the diagram above) had to do with this increased inner consistency. LUCA died out because beings became more efficient.
What a masterpiece of speculative biology. I'm going to think about this.
Ben Woodard's Black Metal Talk
Here is the text, and here are some videos from P.E.S.T. I like Ben's talk and I like Zachary Price's. This doesn't mean I don't like the others—I simply haven't heard them yet. The opening still from Ben's talk is suitably gruesome!
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
black metal,
Karl Steel Solaris
Karl makes some very good point about Solaris on Twitter.
My wife wonders whether it's really Kris or a planet simulacrum at end. Could be that the ocean doesn't want to give Kris up & so recreates him in his longing. If end-Kris is real in sense that neutrino-Hari is, then we shift from psychological readings of Kris's end and towards the ocean's desires. The inhuman, the split Big O, what have you in an oop sense, the universe's desires, altered by its contact w/ us, but also itself, going on w/out us.” (Twitter forces one to abbreviate, which can be good.)
My pennyworth was my favorite Lacan quotation: “What constitutes pretense is that, in the end, you don't know whether it's pretense or not.” The disturbing ambiguity of the end is precisely that way. We are inside the ocean-being's fantasies. As the camera pans back, we see a little world of human meaning in a gigantic ocean of non-humanness, as the synthesizer dissonance absorbs Bach into its wider sonic spectrum. Love it.
Here's my essay “Ecologocentrism,” which is my contribution to Solaris studies.
My wife wonders whether it's really Kris or a planet simulacrum at end. Could be that the ocean doesn't want to give Kris up & so recreates him in his longing. If end-Kris is real in sense that neutrino-Hari is, then we shift from psychological readings of Kris's end and towards the ocean's desires. The inhuman, the split Big O, what have you in an oop sense, the universe's desires, altered by its contact w/ us, but also itself, going on w/out us.” (Twitter forces one to abbreviate, which can be good.)
My pennyworth was my favorite Lacan quotation: “What constitutes pretense is that, in the end, you don't know whether it's pretense or not.” The disturbing ambiguity of the end is precisely that way. We are inside the ocean-being's fantasies. As the camera pans back, we see a little world of human meaning in a gigantic ocean of non-humanness, as the synthesizer dissonance absorbs Bach into its wider sonic spectrum. Love it.
Here's my essay “Ecologocentrism,” which is my contribution to Solaris studies.
Harman and I Finishing Same Homework Same Night
As fate would have it, we're both finishing our essays for New Literary History tonight...Graham's is synoptic, mine is a probe. That's just how it happened. They complement each other excellently. Thanks Rita Felski for asking us to do this. My one is called “An Object-Oriented Defense of Poetry.” I'll let Graham tell you what his is. It made me smile.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Graham Harman,
object oriented ontology
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Broken Tools
I find this interesting, and it makes me smile, especially my inner OOOer. From a description of the black bloc activities in Seattle on November 30, 1999:
When we smash a window, we aim to destroy the thin veneer of legitimacy that surrounds private property rights. At the same time, we exorcize that set of violent and destructive social relationships which has been imbued in almost everything around us. By "destroying" private property, we convert its limited exchange value into an expanded use value.
A storefront window becomes a vent to let some fresh air into the oppressive atmosphere of a retail outlet (at least until the police decide to tear-gas a nearby road blockade). A newspaper box becomes a tool for creating such vents or a small blockade for the reclamation of public space or an object to improve one's vantage point by standing on it. A dumpster becomes an obstruction to a phalanx of rioting cops and a source of heat and light. A building facade becomes a message board to record brainstorm ideas for a better world.
After N30, many people will never see a shop window or a hammer the same way again. The potential uses of an entire cityscape have increased a thousand-fold.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
object oriented ontology
Litter Lasts This Long
Fact sheet from my daughter's primary school:
Aluminum cans 200–500 years
Plastic six-pack holders 450 years
Plastic film containers 20–30 years
Plastic bags 10–20 years
Paper bag 1 month
Plastic coated paper 5 years
Cigarette butts 1–5 years
Rubber boot/shoe sole 50–80 years
I would like to see some corroboration for these. I'm not going to post their times for plastic or polystyrene because I reckon they're off. Obviously it depends what happens to these objects, how they are processed or not, and so on.
Aluminum cans 200–500 years
Plastic six-pack holders 450 years
Plastic film containers 20–30 years
Plastic bags 10–20 years
Paper bag 1 month
Plastic coated paper 5 years
Cigarette butts 1–5 years
Rubber boot/shoe sole 50–80 years
I would like to see some corroboration for these. I'm not going to post their times for plastic or polystyrene because I reckon they're off. Obviously it depends what happens to these objects, how they are processed or not, and so on.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
In Memoriam Lynn Margulis: Speculative Realist
It's been too long since Margulis's death for me to write this without some kind of sense of guilt. The Occupy happenings have been preoccupying me.
I remember when I first heard about Margulis, it must have been in the early 80s when I was making my first discoveries about molecular biology and evolution. The term symbiosis is a very very evocative one.
An essay version of Margulis's work on bacteria was perhaps the first piece of speculative realism I ever read, in a collection of essays on Gaia, coming out of the Lindisfarne conferences. I was stunned by the clear logic of her argument. Here was someone thinking a world unimaginably ancient, a world in which things we take for granted—oxygen, in the main—didn't exist as they do now.
The fact that animal cells contain mitochondria, which have their own DNA, because they are hiding from a cataclysm their ancestors brought about, called oxygen: this was and is profound, wild stuff.
Lynn Margulis was the first to convince me that there are already aliens, some of them inside me.
Here is a class I taught about her published as part of a digital book.
I remember when I first heard about Margulis, it must have been in the early 80s when I was making my first discoveries about molecular biology and evolution. The term symbiosis is a very very evocative one.
An essay version of Margulis's work on bacteria was perhaps the first piece of speculative realism I ever read, in a collection of essays on Gaia, coming out of the Lindisfarne conferences. I was stunned by the clear logic of her argument. Here was someone thinking a world unimaginably ancient, a world in which things we take for granted—oxygen, in the main—didn't exist as they do now.
The fact that animal cells contain mitochondria, which have their own DNA, because they are hiding from a cataclysm their ancestors brought about, called oxygen: this was and is profound, wild stuff.
Lynn Margulis was the first to convince me that there are already aliens, some of them inside me.
Here is a class I taught about her published as part of a digital book.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Lynn Margulis,
My Meditation Class at Occupy
The first one will be at 9am on the East Quad in a second dome—those dome builders are busy!
Occupy Sanity: Creating Enlightened Society one Breath at a Time
It will be non-denominational, i.e. a form of meditation that anyone could do, atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, etc.
In my experience activists often get burnout and meditation is one way to solve this—at the very least. It's also an extremely radical form of occupation, if you think about it.
Occupy Sanity: Creating Enlightened Society one Breath at a Time
It will be non-denominational, i.e. a form of meditation that anyone could do, atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, etc.
In my experience activists often get burnout and meditation is one way to solve this—at the very least. It's also an extremely radical form of occupation, if you think about it.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
UC Davis
Friday, November 25, 2011
Žižek, Anarchism, Buddhism
It's a sign of the times, perhaps, the Occupy times, that Žižek can come this close to my favorite combination of flavors: Buddhism, anarchism and Taoism. Check it out:
As John Clark points out to me (HT to him), it should without doubt be Daoism versus Legalism or Confucianism—but never mind. Then Žižek goes and slightly spoils it:
Right? I mean, no, we're not all equal “only” in nirvana, within Buddhist praxis. For a kickoff, we all have unconditioned karma: we're not totally stuck in our caste or class. (This was the whole point of the social origin of Buddhism.) And nirvana and samsara aren't separate. I see no inherent obstacle in Buddhism to adhering to the egalitarian spirit in this world.
Never mind. Žižek comes along quite far here.
Our task is thus to remain faithful to this eternal Idea of communism: to the egalitarian spirit kept alive over thousands of years in revolts and utopian dreams, in radical movements from Spartacus to Thomas Müntzer, including within the great religions (Buddhism versus Hinduism, Daoism or Legalism versus Confucianism, etc.).
As John Clark points out to me (HT to him), it should without doubt be Daoism versus Legalism or Confucianism—but never mind. Then Žižek goes and slightly spoils it:
The problem is how to avoid the choice between radical social uprisings which end in defeat, unable to stabilize themselves in a new order, and the retreat into an ideal displaced to a domain outside social reality (for Buddhism we are all equal—in nirvana). It is here that the originality of Western thought becomes clear...
Right? I mean, no, we're not all equal “only” in nirvana, within Buddhist praxis. For a kickoff, we all have unconditioned karma: we're not totally stuck in our caste or class. (This was the whole point of the social origin of Buddhism.) And nirvana and samsara aren't separate. I see no inherent obstacle in Buddhism to adhering to the egalitarian spirit in this world.
Never mind. Žižek comes along quite far here.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Slavoj Zizek,
Talk at Harvard
It looks like I'll be talking at Harvard on February 6, on ecology, aesthetics and politics. I'll keep you posted about what and where.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Class at Occupy UC Davis
I'm going to teach this class, maybe a few times, while we do this general strike next week:
Occupy Sanity: Creating Enlightened Society one Breath at a Time
It's going to be meditation instruction and some talk. I think that dome space is a pretty awesome space in which to do it.
Stay tuned for details.
Occupy Sanity: Creating Enlightened Society one Breath at a Time
It's going to be meditation instruction and some talk. I think that dome space is a pretty awesome space in which to do it.
Stay tuned for details.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
The UC Situation and the Student Loan Crisis
Reagan died in 2008 when Lehmann tanked. But his zombies lurch on, and we must stop them. My colleague Mike Ziser writes the following very eloquent contextualization of the kairos that the pepper spray incident has opened up:
As various studies have revealed, the rise of poor quality for-profit colleges and technical schools that encourage students to finance their rising tuition through publicly subsidized loans has led to a large transfer of public funds to politically connected private "entrepreducational" corporations. One can think of it as a giant money-laundering scheme--one in which citizens desperate for a route to improved economic conditions are compelled to launder funds pilfered from the public treasury.
There is no serious attempt to address the 40%
default rate on government loans to students at for-profit colleges because, from the
perspective of the elites making the loans and receiving the funds, it doesn't matter
whether the cost is borne by a low-wage graduate or is socialized to the 99% as a whole.
As Nathan noted, this model of university education as a "profit-center" is now
well entrenched in ostensibly "public" schools. The education bubble and its
inevitable collapse will be a disaster of historic proportions for the entire educational
system, but even medium-term consequences are of course of no concern to those who will
already have fed on this public system and moved on to the next target.
As various studies have revealed, the rise of poor quality for-profit colleges and technical schools that encourage students to finance their rising tuition through publicly subsidized loans has led to a large transfer of public funds to politically connected private "entrepreducational" corporations. One can think of it as a giant money-laundering scheme--one in which citizens desperate for a route to improved economic conditions are compelled to launder funds pilfered from the public treasury.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Mike Ziser,
UC Davis
Al Jazeera Piece on UC Davis
By Paul Rosenberg. This is very well put together.
Homeopathic Pepper Spray Remedy
By my dad, a trained homeopath and friend of Banksy, and his friend Suzanne Fiteni who lives in SF.
Combine these in the 200c potency and make into a tincture in a dropper bottle, which is easier to administer.
Combine these in the 200c potency and make into a tincture in a dropper bottle, which is easier to administer.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
Mad Suspensions
Patrick Gowers, Toccata and Fugue. I can't help it! Suspensions control me!
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Ikkyu Haiku
HT Mikael Brockman.
nature's a killer I won't sing to it
I hold my breath and listen to the dead singing under the grass
nature's a killer I won't sing to it
I hold my breath and listen to the dead singing under the grass
Davis Simpson on the UC Davis Events
A characteristically beautiful piece of controlled rage, by my friend David.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
David Simpson,
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
The Politics of Mic Check
What a genius invention! Is any one person responsible for this phrase? It's used in Occupy to gather people's hearing.
It's phatic: that is it's a communication that draws attention to its physical dimension. Not to a content. Or to an addressee. Or to the addresser. Or a metalanguage. Or to itself. In other words it's part of ecological poetics (I go through that in Ecology without Nature).
It also sums up the object-oriented politics of Occupy. It's not "about" something, it directly IS that something. Here, there is, givenness, Es gibt, il y a, coexistence. Hale, holy, hello, hi.
"Hi" is a word originally used to summon hunting dogs. "Hello" was exapted from hunting to be the word we say to one another on phones. It has to do with the history of phones.
"Mic check" is playing with this technological history but in a subversive way, directly. I like that it isn't "hey" or "hi" or some other hailing of a subordinate animal in a hunt. Or for that matter a Heil to a great leader.
It's a check, a test. Without a subject addressing an object. Far more purely phatic. Without aggression. Fucking genius.
It's phatic: that is it's a communication that draws attention to its physical dimension. Not to a content. Or to an addressee. Or to the addresser. Or a metalanguage. Or to itself. In other words it's part of ecological poetics (I go through that in Ecology without Nature).
It also sums up the object-oriented politics of Occupy. It's not "about" something, it directly IS that something. Here, there is, givenness, Es gibt, il y a, coexistence. Hale, holy, hello, hi.
"Hi" is a word originally used to summon hunting dogs. "Hello" was exapted from hunting to be the word we say to one another on phones. It has to do with the history of phones.
"Mic check" is playing with this technological history but in a subversive way, directly. I like that it isn't "hey" or "hi" or some other hailing of a subordinate animal in a hunt. Or for that matter a Heil to a great leader.
It's a check, a test. Without a subject addressing an object. Far more purely phatic. Without aggression. Fucking genius.
Poetics and Politics of Boycotts (essay)
Since it's come up recently, here's an essay I wrote a while ago about the history of boycotting, which has its origins in the proto-feminist anti-slavery movements of the 1780s in England.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science,
Latour London Talk (mp3)
“Waiting for Gaia: Composing the Common World through Arts and Politics.”
At the French Institute in the UK, London, November 21, 2011.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Bruno Latour,
"The Exposure of the Police State"
Vince Carducci wrote me again this morning about that fantastic "Garden of the Gods" near Detroit. (See my previous.)
He summed up the last few days: the coming out of the 99% and the subsequent "exposure of the police state."
Yes. For something to happen it has to happen twice, right? Riot cops and SWAT teams met the striking students in Mrak hall (the admin building) in 2009. It was pretty shocking. And again Friday, and of course in Berkeley.
These guys are bankrolled by the so-called War on Terror. They are fragments of a nightmare from which it is necessary to struggle awake.
He summed up the last few days: the coming out of the 99% and the subsequent "exposure of the police state."
Yes. For something to happen it has to happen twice, right? Riot cops and SWAT teams met the striking students in Mrak hall (the admin building) in 2009. It was pretty shocking. And again Friday, and of course in Berkeley.
These guys are bankrolled by the so-called War on Terror. They are fragments of a nightmare from which it is necessary to struggle awake.
Vince Carducci on Detroit
My friend Vince Carducci with a great piece on art in Detroit these days.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Vince Carducci
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Object-Oriented Politics
This from Alex Galloway's “Black Box, Black Bloc,” which I enjoyed very much:
From the student occupations at the New School, to the political tracts circulating through the University of California, to Tiqqun and the Invisible Committee and other groups, there is a new political posture today, a new political bloc with an acute black-box profile.
The new mantra is: we have no demands. We don’t want political representation. We don’t want collective bargaining. We don’t want a seat at the table. We want to leave be, to leave being. We have no demands.
The power behind the ‘no demands’ posture is precisely that it makes no claim about power at all. Instead it seeks to upend the power circuit entirely via political nonparticipation. It would be wrong to cast this aside using the typical epithets of cynicism or nihilism, or even to explain it away using the language of state power versus terrorism, which we should remember is the language of Lenin just as much as it is the language of Bush, Obama, Sarkozy, and all the rest, for the key to this new political stance is in its subtractivism vis-à-vis the dimensions of being.
Precisely. I've been saying this for a while in a slightly different key. Earlier in the essay Galloway elaborates a differences between black boxes and functional entities: the closed and open laptop is his more-than-analogy. This is the difference between what I've been calling constructivist and object-oriented approaches in art. We could use a lot more of the latter in ecological politics.
Galloway's understanding of this is a little intuitive and working with the (I would argue) somewhat broken tools of constructivism, to try to understand these black boxes. But. I was arguing at the nonviolence conference last week in Florida that merely existing (not bare life) was the aim of the Occupy movements. Galloway ends:
To end, we shall not say that there is a new blackness. We shall not ratify the rise of the obscure and the fall of the transparent. But do not decry the reverse either. Simply withdraw from the decision to ask the question. Instead ask: what is this eternity? What is this black box – this black bloc – that fills the world with husks and hulls and camouflage and crime? Is it our enemy, or are we on the side of it? Is this just a new kind of nihilism? Not at all, it is the purest form of love.
Nice one.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Alex Galloway,
object oriented ontology,
Occupy Wall St.,
Nebraskans For Oleoresin Capsicum
One of my Ph.D. students is now living in Nebraska, and he reports from there (while finishing his excellent dissertation on the perils of agriculture) that many are siding with the police and the admin at UC Davis. Their logic goes something like “They deserved it, they were breaking the law.”
This is the same defense that rapists use: “She was asking for it.”
This is the same defense that rapists use: “She was asking for it.”
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
UC Davis Physics Joins Call for Resignation
Another "theory" department marginal to the mission of Big Ag but with many students. I always thought physicists were cool. Somehow they've supported the humanities more than we have, recently.
At UC Davis. That's a nice piece of radical architecture. It's open, robust, made of interlocking triangles. An mathematical.

Academic Theft
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
John Protevi,
Jon Cogburn
UCD English at Rally Video
Seeta Chaganti. She is a good speaker.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
Graham Priest that is. God bless his little cotton socks!
OR, in OOO-ese: objects appear, and thus they are within Ω, but they also withdraw, and so they are not. The appearance of a (withdrawn) object is precisely Priest's δ.
Inclosure is now my favorite withdrawal substitute. Along with secret.
It is a quite general feature of theories that try to characterize the limits of our cognitive abilities to think, describe, grasp, that they end up implying that they themselves cannot be thought, described, or grasped. Yet it would appear that they can be thought, described, and grasped. Otherwise, what on earth is the theory doing?
The contradictions at the limits of thought have a general and bipartite structure. The first part is an argument to the effect that a certain view, usually about the nature of the limit in question, transcends that limit (cannot be conceived, described, etc.). This is Transcendence. The other is an argument to the effect that the view is within the limit—Closure. Often, this argument is a practical one, based on the fact that Closure is demonstrated in the very act of theorizing about the limits. At any rate, together, the pair describe a structure that can conveniently be called an inclosure: a totality, Ω and an object, o, such that o both is and is not in Ω.
On closer analysis, inclosures can be found to have a more detailed structure. At its simplest, the structure is as follows. The inclosure comes with an operator, δ, which, when applied to any suitable subset of Ω, gives another object that is in Ω (that is, one that is not in the subset in question, but is in Ω). Thus, for example, if we are talking about sets of ordinals, δ might apply to give us the least ordinal not in the set. If we are talking about a set of entities that have been thought about, δ might give us an entity of which we have not yet thought. The contradiction at the limit arises when δ is applied to the totality Ω itself. For then the application of δ gives an object that is both within and without Ω: the least ordinal greater than all ordinals, or the unthought object.
OR, in OOO-ese: objects appear, and thus they are within Ω, but they also withdraw, and so they are not. The appearance of a (withdrawn) object is precisely Priest's δ.
Inclosure is now my favorite withdrawal substitute. Along with secret.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Graham Priest,
object oriented ontology,
realist magic
Michael Moore and UC Davis Student MSNBC
Kase Wheatley spoke at the rally earlier today.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
Monday, November 21, 2011
Joshua Clover on UC Davis Today
My office mate—he works opposite me. Nice one:
The police are hysterics for sure, period.
And way to pimp the Communist Manifesto in the first sentence!
The police are hysterics for sure, period.
And way to pimp the Communist Manifesto in the first sentence!
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
My Peeps
The English Dept. of UC Davis at the rally today. I was in the crowd with my smalls, as I was looking after them.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
Jairus Grove on the Silence
This was such a powerful comment by Jairus (editor of The Contemporary Condition and human extraordinaire) on the video of the Chancellor walking surrounded by silent Occupiers, that I thought I'd put it here:
It reminded me of the final scene from the Birds where Tippy Hedron is walked in a daze to the car while as a viewer you can't help but scrutinize every bird looking for the one that will start the frenzy. Of course the frenzy never comes. I think this was a political event Hitchcock would have been proud of. Depriving the Chancellor of her fantasy of the violent activists was the truly horrifying act.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
That UCD Crowd Again
This is the view from behind the trees. HT Tom Francis (for the image) and Ian Bogost (for the tip). Click to download.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
The UCD Crowd
Big, yes? The trees you see in the background are half-way across the quad. The thing was double the size of what you see. Should download if you click. Thanks Jonathan Eisen who took this.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
The Silence
My friend Jeremy Braddock (Cornell) and I were talking about how effective and genuinely disturbing the silence is in this video.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.
"Impact" This
This report by utilitarian nihilists the Center for College Affordability and Productivity inspired me to give to you this piece that will soon appear in a UK journal.
Tim Morton
Like its predecessors, excellence, interdisciplinarity, and sustainability, impact is now a word of which administrators are overly fond. Like these other words, impact appears to be a transparent gel of indeterminate chemistry. The gel sits on my bathroom shelf and every time I need to impress someone, I tousle my hair with impact. The gel may also be used as a poor substitute for coarse cut marmalade though. There's nothing quite like reading the morning news on my iPad with my teeth coated with a sticky layer of impact. Moving further back in my mouth, I recall how my wisdom teeth did it to my jawbone.
In short, the bureaucratic use of impact is just another way to say: “We have no idea what you're doing, and you must keep doing it, only better. To wit, you are hereby required to use impact at least three times in your grant proposal.”
Excellence was postmodern styling mousse, sharply perfumed yet curiously flavorless and disconcertingly soft when placed between meringues. Excellence was individualistic and iridescent. Pimp my excellence. Interdisciplinarity was far more collective, like a brown paper parcel that consisted of smaller brown paper parcels ad infinitum. Interdisciplinarity was Californian: it had something to do with groups of people coming together to do something or other. At a stretch it could mean turning 180 degrees and reading a book on the shelf opposite the one you normally look at, or in those far off days, surfing the “internet.”
Sustainability was where things got a little bit ecological. You are smoking a cigarette, but is that sustainable? You are staring horrified into the mirror, seeing only a tattered clown who never truly loved, but how do you sustain this vision? Sustainability was, if I recall, where the rubber met the road. “Where the rubber meets the road” was itself where the rubber made significant contact with the road, or should we now say impact.
Yes we should. Impact is what a football does when it really hurts you. Impact is that fist coming down on the table in the unforgettable Government ad of the 1980s: “Think BIKE!” Impact doesn't care about sustainability, or excellence. Interdisciplinarity is for wimps. Knowledge should be like Doctor Johnson's boot the moment it made contact with the stone, refuting Berkeley with a loud click. Impact is the first punk bureaucratic term and we should cherish its arrival. I don't think.
Tim Morton
Like its predecessors, excellence, interdisciplinarity, and sustainability, impact is now a word of which administrators are overly fond. Like these other words, impact appears to be a transparent gel of indeterminate chemistry. The gel sits on my bathroom shelf and every time I need to impress someone, I tousle my hair with impact. The gel may also be used as a poor substitute for coarse cut marmalade though. There's nothing quite like reading the morning news on my iPad with my teeth coated with a sticky layer of impact. Moving further back in my mouth, I recall how my wisdom teeth did it to my jawbone.
In short, the bureaucratic use of impact is just another way to say: “We have no idea what you're doing, and you must keep doing it, only better. To wit, you are hereby required to use impact at least three times in your grant proposal.”
Excellence was postmodern styling mousse, sharply perfumed yet curiously flavorless and disconcertingly soft when placed between meringues. Excellence was individualistic and iridescent. Pimp my excellence. Interdisciplinarity was far more collective, like a brown paper parcel that consisted of smaller brown paper parcels ad infinitum. Interdisciplinarity was Californian: it had something to do with groups of people coming together to do something or other. At a stretch it could mean turning 180 degrees and reading a book on the shelf opposite the one you normally look at, or in those far off days, surfing the “internet.”
Sustainability was where things got a little bit ecological. You are smoking a cigarette, but is that sustainable? You are staring horrified into the mirror, seeing only a tattered clown who never truly loved, but how do you sustain this vision? Sustainability was, if I recall, where the rubber met the road. “Where the rubber meets the road” was itself where the rubber made significant contact with the road, or should we now say impact.
Yes we should. Impact is what a football does when it really hurts you. Impact is that fist coming down on the table in the unforgettable Government ad of the 1980s: “Think BIKE!” Impact doesn't care about sustainability, or excellence. Interdisciplinarity is for wimps. Knowledge should be like Doctor Johnson's boot the moment it made contact with the stone, refuting Berkeley with a loud click. Impact is the first punk bureaucratic term and we should cherish its arrival. I don't think.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
digital humanities,
I Would Prefer Not To
The disturbing sheer existence of Bartleby the Scrivener as a model for the Occupy Movement. By Lauren Klein. Brilliant.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
More Carbon Doom
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
climate change,
global warming,
Sixth Mass Extinction Event
Extinction Repetition
HT Cliff Gerrish. Take home point:
an MIT-led team of researchers has now established that the end-Permian extinction was extremely rapid, triggering massive die-outs both in the oceans and on land in less than 20,000 years — the blink of an eye in geologic time. The researchers also found that this time period coincides with a massive buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide...
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
climate change,
global warming,
Sixth Mass Extinction Event
Philosophy versus Thugs
Here's a neat thing. HT John Protevi.
Please email Matthew Smith at Yale's Philosophy Department if you
wish to co-sign this excellent letter. He is looking for a publication
venue. His email: A link to the letter is here. You may wish to email the link to the letter to your university adminstrators.
Key points:
Key points:
- We therefore call on chancellors and presidents of universities and colleges throughout the United States to declare publicly that their campuses are Safe Protest Zones, where nonviolent, public political dissent and protest will be protected by university police and will never be attacked by the university police.
- We call on these chancellors and presidents to commit publicly to making their campuses safe locations for peaceful public assembly.
- We call on these chancellors and presidents to institute immediately policies that reflect these commitments, and to instruct their police and security forces that they must abide by these policies.
Open Letter to Chancellors and Presidents of American Universities and Colleges
From Your Faculty
We have witnessed, over the past two months, police departments using significant amounts of force against individuals peacefully participating in the Occupy movement. But during the week of November 13 – November 19, there was an astonishing escalation of the violence used by municipal police departments against non-violent protesters.
We hoped that even as politicians and municipal police violently responded to the Occupy movement, college and university campuses would remain safe locations for non-violent political dissent. But that has not been the case. In fact, universities and colleges appear to be using the same tactics in their interactions with unarmed, non-violent members of the university community as we have seen municipal police use against the broader Occupy movement.
In particular, we are concerned with the actions by police associated with two University of California campuses. At UC Berkeley, police beat faculty and students who were peacefully attempting to establish an Occupy camp on Sproul Plaza. At UC Davis, police casually pepper sprayed protesting students who were peacefully sitting with their arms linked. The message sent by university officials is clear: if you engage in non-violent political protest on the university campus, you run the risk of being assaulted by university police.
From Your Faculty
We have witnessed, over the past two months, police departments using significant amounts of force against individuals peacefully participating in the Occupy movement. But during the week of November 13 – November 19, there was an astonishing escalation of the violence used by municipal police departments against non-violent protesters.
We hoped that even as politicians and municipal police violently responded to the Occupy movement, college and university campuses would remain safe locations for non-violent political dissent. But that has not been the case. In fact, universities and colleges appear to be using the same tactics in their interactions with unarmed, non-violent members of the university community as we have seen municipal police use against the broader Occupy movement.
In particular, we are concerned with the actions by police associated with two University of California campuses. At UC Berkeley, police beat faculty and students who were peacefully attempting to establish an Occupy camp on Sproul Plaza. At UC Davis, police casually pepper sprayed protesting students who were peacefully sitting with their arms linked. The message sent by university officials is clear: if you engage in non-violent political protest on the university campus, you run the risk of being assaulted by university police.
- We condemn this and any deployment of violence by university officials against members of the university community who are non-violently expressing their political views.
- We condemn university officials using violence or the threat of violence in order to limit political dissent to the narrow confines of print and university-sanctioned events.
- We condemn university officials using violence and the threat of violence to prevent members of the university community from peacefully assembling.
- We therefore call on chancellors and presidents of universities and colleges throughout the United States to declare publicly that their campuses are Safe Protest Zones, where nonviolent, public political dissent and protest will be protected by university police and will never be attacked by the university police.
- We call on these chancellors and presidents to commit publicly to making their campuses safe locations for peaceful public assembly.
- We call on these chancellors and presidents to institute immediately policies that reflect these commitments, and to instruct their police and security forces that they must abide by these policies.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.
Zachary Price on Buddhism and Black Metal
I'm only two minutes in and I love it already.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
black metal,
Zachary Price
Knowledge Ecology on My Talk at CCA
Incredibly nice blog aesthetic, I feel. And a very touching post.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Adam Robbert,
The Bigger Picture: Race Issues and Thuggery
The UCD Campus Police have failed to investigate all kinds of race based violence, and have sometimes aided in it.
We received the following in our inboxes from the Chancellor recently:
Sunday, November 13, during the UC system-wide Student of
Color Conference, an unknown individual vandalized one of
the Veterans Day yellow ribbons tied around a tree on the
quad, writing on it, "USE ME AS A NOOSE." “
the exact same time the police were pepper-spraying
non-black student protesters, just across the quad in the MU
concerned members of the black UC Davis community and allies
were in a meeting with administrators, staff, and student
media about the hostile reporting practices of the
California Aggie paper toward the black community at UC
Davis. Two specific concerns were:
1) the “Jungle Fever” column published by an Asian student about her newfound attraction to black men and love of hip hop music
2) the Aggies’ failure to report specific incidents of antiblack hate crimes this year, which include (but are not limited to) the display of a napkin fashioned to replicate a Klu Klux Klan hood in the African American themed floor in Campbell Hall.
the night before (Thursday) an even larger group of
students, staff, faculty, and administrators met to raise
concerns not just about these specific attempts to
intimidate black students, but also the fact that the UC
Davis police has both failed to investigate antiblack hate
crimes committed on campus in the past 7 years and/or
actively disappeared whatever police reports had been
filed on these incidents.
issues between UCD police and black students:
1) UCD police summoned by white staff to haul away a black graduate student trying to enter a building during business hours because the staff member did not believe this person was actually a student
2) Guns drawn by UCD police on a separate black student also trying to enter a building. The UCD student paper was directed by staff to not report this issue. The incident escalated into a lawsuit and an out-of-court settlement
way incidents of antiblack uncivility are treated at UCD is
glaringly unbalanced in comparison to the tokenizing fervor
raised over the vandalism of the LGBT Resource Center,
swastikas scrawled on the doors of Jewish students, and now
this pepper-spray incident of uncivility.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
UC Davis
A Faculty Member Among the Thugs
"I went to the MU yesterday in order to meet a colleague for coffee. As I arrived, I saw what was occurring and walked up from behind. Cops were surrounding the sitting protestors, arms linked, around the tents. I walked up to an isolated cop on the outskirts of the crowd and asked her to explain what was happening: a tear gas or pepper spray gun (whatever) was pointed at my body and she refused to speak to me. Immediately, I was part of the illegal protest (in a virtual, unclear state of violence) by merely walking on to the quad in the proximity of a cop behind everyone. If I wanted to know where I had a right to stand, she would not have told me. Moments later, the cops broke through the circle of protestors--some were in our graduate program, I might add, and fortunately were unharmed--and destroyed the tents."
Occupation, Grass, Violence
A disturbing wonderful song by Robert Wyatt and Ivor Cutler. It seems very appropriate for a week during which the police have acted the way they acted towards our students, and towards my friends Bob Hass and Celeste Langan. For sitting on the grass. Lawns have ever been a strange place of republican dreams and nightmares.
Go and sit upon the grass
and I shall come and sit beside you.
Go and sit upon the grass
and I shall come and sit beside you.
And we shall talk.
And while we talk I’ll hit your head with a nail to make you understand me.
While we talk I’ll hit your head with a nail to make you understand me.
Go and sit upon the grass
and I shall come and sit beside you.
Go and sit upon the grass
and I shall come and sit beside you.
And do not mind if I thump you when I’m talking to you.
Do not mind if I thump you when I’m talking to you.
I’ve something important to say.
Go and sit upon the grass
and I shall come and sit beside you.
Go and sit upon the grass
and I shall come and sit beside you.
And when I’m gone you can feel the lumps upon your head.
And think about what I said.
And think about what I said.
Go and sit upon the grass
and feel your lumps.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.,
Robert Wyatt
The Richness of "Occupy"
From the Oxford English Dictionary (I used to work for these guys, I figure it's cool).
The semantic richness is quite astounding, really. Possess, seize, have sex with, invest, fill, be busy with...
The semantic richness is quite astounding, really. Possess, seize, have sex with, invest, fill, be busy with...
Irregularly < Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French occuper to take possession of, seize (1306), to fill a certain space (1314), to employ (c1360),
to hold possession of (late 14th cent.), to inhabit (1530), to exercise
(an employment) (1530), to fill time (1530), also reflexive, to busy
oneself with (c1330) < classical Latin occupāre to
seize (by force), take possession of, get hold of, to take up, fill,
occupy (time or space), to employ, invest (money) < ob- ob- prefix + the same stem as capere to take, seize (see capture n.). Compare Italian occupare (a1294), Catalan ocupar (13th cent.), Portuguese ocupar (14th cent.), Spanish ocupar (1438).The ending of the English word has not been satisfactorily explained; compare Anglo-Norman occupier (late 14th cent. or earlier), which may however show the influence of the English word. Compare occupier n., which occurs earliest at the same date; it is unlikely that the -i- in the verb and the noun originates from the suffix -ier suffix.
Older Scots β. forms
may show independent borrowing from or remodelling after French or
Latin, or may arise by analogy with syncopated inflected forms such as
(3rd singular present indicative) occupis , occupys , (past tense and past participle) occupit , occupyt , occupyd ; inflected forms indicating syncopation such as (3rd singular present indicative) ocupys , (past tense or past participle) occupyd , ocupid , occuped , occupede occur also in Middle English, alongside (much commoner) forms in -ie- or -ye- . Unambiguous examples of β. forms are very rare; compare:
With sense 4 compare classical Latin occupāre pecūniam . With sense 8 compare classical Latin occupāre amplexū (Ovid Fasti 3. 509).
the 17th and most of the 18th cent., there seems to have been a general
tendency to avoid this word, probably as a result of use of the word in
sense 8. N.E.D.
) notes s.v.: ‘the disuse of this verb in the 17th and most of the
18th c. is notable. Against 194 quots. for 16th c., we have for 17th
only 8, outside the Bible of 1611 (where it occurs 10 times), and for
18th c. only 10, all of its last 33 years. The verb occurs only twice
(equivocally) in Shakes., is entirely absent from the Concordances to
Milton and Pope, is not used by Gray; all Johnson's quots., except 2,
are from the Bible of 1611. It was again freely used by Cowper (13
instances in Concordance). This avoidance appears to have been due to
its vulgar employment in sense 8’; and compares the following two
in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation
I. ii. 2
It is not aneuch ye pure King is deid, Bot ye mischant murtheraris occupand his steid.
Burgh Court Perth 1 Nov.,
To flit & remoiff‥furth and fra [the] ȝeardis‥safar as they occupe thairof.
W. Cullen Chron. Aberdeen in J. Stuart Misc. Spalding Club
II. 54
The craiftis men‥thinkand to ocupe marchandrise.
Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 ii. iv. 142
A captaine? Gods light these villaines wil make the word as odious
as the word occupy, which was an excellent good worde before it was il
B. Jonson De Stylo in Discov.
Many, out of their owne obscene Apprehensions, refuse proper and fit words; as occupie, nature, and the like.
I. To employ, make use of.
1. trans. To keep busy, engage, employ (a person, or the mind, attention, etc.). Freq. in pass. Also refl.
Statutes of Realm in MS Rawl. B.520 f. 80,
For þe procrastinacion of þe askinde, he ne sal noȝt for iugen him þat is occupied.
(Wycliffite, E.V.)
(Bodl. 959)
2 Paralip. xxxv. 14
In þe offrynge of brent sacrifises & talewes vn to þe nyȝt þe preestis weryn occupied.
in Norfolk Archaeol.
15 147
Ye tuisday we ocupyid us in ledyng of fyrris to ye ospital aforn.
J. Capgrave Abbreuiacion of Cron.
(Cambr. G. IV. 12)
Many scoleres went away; þei þat abode were euel occupied.
Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon
xxviii. 578
Many stones‥ynoughe for to ocupye at ones all the masons that were there.
Pilgrimage of Soul
i. xxi. f. 16v,
He hath‥occupied so my wittes with othir thinges.
R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde iii. ix. f. 136v,
They occupyed them selues in the searchinge of particular tractes and coastes.
Haddington Corr. 270
Traitouris, quhais lwnatick branes ar continewalie occupeit with this thair poysoun.
E. Grimeston tr. J. de Acosta Nat. & Morall Hist. Indies iii. i. 117
Then shall he truly occupie himselfe in the studie of Philosophie.
W. Prynne Histrio-mastix i. 628
That the minde‥might be‥occupied in the service of God, in recognizing his benefits.
D. Hume Treat. Human Nature I. ii. 68
A man in a sound sleep, or strongly occupy'd with one thought, is insensible of time.
W. Cowper Conversation in Poems 215
Whatever subject occupy discourse.
J. Tyndall Glaciers of Alps i. xvi. 105,
I occupied myself with my instruments.
B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues
(ed. 2)
I. 80
Every one who is occupied with public affairs.
H. T. Lane Talks to Parents & Teachers 189
The citizens are occupied chiefly with earning a living.
H. L. Mencken Minority Rep. 4
Some of them tried to occupy themselves by making various trivial
gimcracks, but the majority simply sat with folded hands, staring into
P. Grosskurth Melanie Klein ii. ii. 127
He seemed uninterested in what she was telling him, and gave her the impression that his mind was occupied elsewhere.
a. trans. To employ oneself in, engage in, practise, perform; to follow or ply as one's business or occupation. Now arch. and rare.
in Hist. & Antiq. Masonry 28
Hit is called Effraym, and there was sciens of Gemetry and masonri fyrst occupied.
Paston Lett.
II. 182
Leve wylfullnesse whyche men sey ye occupye to excessifly.
in J. Stuart Extracts Council Reg. Aberdeen
I. 67
That nane of thame [sc. craftsmen] occupy merchandice and thar craft togidder sa that, gif thai occupy the merchandice, that thai leif thar craft.
Psalms cvi[i.] 23
They that go downe to the see in shippes, & occupie their busynesse in greate waters.
J. Rolland Seuin Seages
All his ingine and wit he did apply To leir phisick and the same occupy.
W. Stafford Compend. Exam. Complaints
ii. 48
Therefore men wil the gladder occupy husbandry.
in W. Chambers Charters Burgh Peebles
That na‥persounes‥wha ar not burgessis [etc.]‥preswme to vsurpe exerce and occupie‥mercatis or vse of merchandice.
in Rec. Early Hist. Boston
II. 156
No person shall‥occupy any manufacture or science, till hee hath compleated 21 years of age.
J. Burness Play 310
Gif he his trade would occupy, He might himself by that supply.
Westm. Gaz. 9 July 4/2
The flycatchers and the warblers of several kinds, occupying their business by the water's edge.
†b. intr. To be busy or employed (in some capacity); to exercise one's craft or function; to practise; to do business, to work. Obs.
in M. Sellers York Memorandum Bk.
I. I.182
If any man come fra other cites or tounes, and will occupy here in
this cite in girdelercrafte als a maister, he sall pay at his first
settyng up of his shoppe x s.
in C. L. Kingsford Chrons. London
Moneday was the Octaues off Seint Edward‥the which day the kyng wolde nat ocupye.
Assembly of Gods
Ye seelyd my patent, Yeuyng me full power soo to occupy.
in F. J. Furnivall Gild of St. Mary, Lichfield
Admytted‥to occupie as a master, Iourney-man, or servaunte within the said Cittie.
N. Field Amends for Ladies i. i. sig. B3v,
I doe entertaine you, how doe you occupie?, what can you vse?
T. Urquhart tr. Rabelais 1st Bk. Wks. vii,
The Seamsters (when the point of their needles was broken) began to work and occupie with the tail.
J. P. Lawson Bk. Perth 171
Permitting their servants to occupy on the Sabbath-day, as well as on the rest of the week.
in Archaeologia Cantiana
13 562
Payde to pyrs Sowthehowsyd for‥lyme that Joh. mabbe, tyler, occupijd.
J. Metham Amoryus & Cleopes 1333
A sponfful off this confeccion he myght ocupy, Yt schuld porge him.
Caxton tr. Caton B iij b,
In makyng and ocupyeng false dyse.
J. Fitzherbert Bk. Husbandrie §1
Than is the ploughe the moste necessaryest instrumente than an husbande can occupy.
J. Marbeck Bk. of Notes 34
When the night is past‥why should we occupie anie longer a candle.
in J. H. Macadam Baxter Bks. St. Andrews
That na‥owner of the saids backhousses suffer the samin to be occupyit vpon the said saboth day heerafter.
C. Keith Farmer's Ha' in Har'st Rig
Lasses, occupy your wheel.
a. trans. To employ (money or capital) in trading; to lay out, invest, trade with; to deal in. Obs.
J. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers
I. 137
Enquere what mony he hath reseyvid of the seid maner in my tyme,
wherof the ferme is vj li. yerly, whech I suffird hym to occupie to his
owne vse.
W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection ii. sig. Hviiiv,
This ryches he hath gyuen to vs as a stocke to occupy.
J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. cxviij,
He commaunded that the talentes receiued should be occupied that they might be made gainfull.
J. Marbeck Bk. of Notes 1075
Wee be commaunded to occupie our Lords money, and not to hide it.
W. Fulbecke Parallele or Conf. Law i. 29
If two Merchantes occupie their goods and merchandise in common to
their common profite, the one of them may haue a writ of accompt against
his companion.
Ezek. xxvii. 9
The ancients of Gebal, and the wise men thereof were in thee thy
calkers, all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in thee, to
occupie thy merchandise.
Johnson Let. 17 May
II. 32
Upon ten thousand pounds diligently occupied they may live in great plenty.
b. intr. To trade, deal. Obs.
Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Chron. II. cxi. [cvii.] 318
Berthaulte of Malygnes‥occupyeth to Damas, to Cayre, and to Alexandre.
in T. S. Willan Stud. Elizabethan Foreign Trade
Merchantes to occupie and trafique into Barbarye.
J. Marbeck Bk. of Notes 653
[He] gained much by occupieng with the Iewes and Christians.
T. Fuller Pisgah-sight of Palestine ii. v. 129
Such as occupied in her Fairs with all precious stones.
II. To be in, to take possession of.
a. trans. To hold possession of; to have in one's possession or power; to hold (a position, office, or privilege). Also fig.In some contexts difficult to distinguish from sense 5b.
Chaucer Monk's Tale 3427
This kyng was slawe And Darius occupieth his degree.
J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron.
VII. 259
He huld and ocupyede þe archebyschopryche of Canturbury.
Morte Arthure 98
Myne ancestres ware emperours.‥ They ocupyede þe empyre aughte score wynnttyrs.
Wyclif Eng. Wks.
As þe baron‥occupieþ & gouerneþ his baronrye.
Metrical Life St. Robert of Knaresborough 1183
Graunt me grace‥to reul this place And sway to gouernn to my degre
Þat I, all yff I simple be, Occupyes als presidentt By grace þat God
here has me sentt.
Stirling Archæol. Soc.
Elspet Tailȝor, the relict of Alexander Tailȝor, to occupy the fredome of that craft.
J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. ccclxxx,
You who occupie the chiefest places amongest the states of the Empire.
W. Warner Epitome Hist. Eng. in Albions Eng.
(rev. ed.)
The Pictes‥then occupying those parts which we now call the middle Marches, betwixt the English & Scots.
B. Franklin Observ. conc. Increase Mankind 2 in W. Clarke Observ. French,
In countries full settled‥all Lands being occupied and improved to
the Heighth; those who cannot get Land, must Labour for others that have
W. Cowper Tirocinium in Task 414
Least qualified‥To occupy a sacred, awful post.
M. Pattison in Christian Remembrancer Jan. 75
Gregory‥occupied the see of Tours twenty-three years.
M. Pattison in Christian Remembrancer Jan. 78
The‥inferior Franks‥posted themselves, fully armed,‥under the portico, occupying all the entrances.
Law Times 20 Oct. 410/2
A married woman is now to occupy the same position as her Saxon ancestress.
Encycl. Brit. I. 1192
Allies was appointed secretary to the Catholic poor school committee in 1853, a position which he occupied till 1890.
M. Blinkhorn Democracy & Civil War Spain 1931–9
Indalecio Prieto occupied the Finance ministry in the Provisional Government and later the Ministry of Public Works.
b. trans. To live in and use (a place) as its tenant or regular inhabitant; to inhabit; to stay or lodge in.
J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron.
(St. John's Cambr.)
II. 155
Bretayne was somtyme occupied [L. Occupata] wiþ Saxons.
in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng.
Noon othir Brothirhodes nor Feleshepes to ocupye owre Halle nor noo part of owre place.
Act 4 Hen. VII c. 19
If any such owner or owners‥take kepe & occupy any such house or houses & lands in his or their own hands.
in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb.
II. 193
Male‥of the hous now occupiit be the prouest.
Cullen Town Council Minute Bk. 6 June,
Ane croft of land callit Sinclars croft occupeit be Alexander Reid.
Termes de la Ley 107b,
Demaines‥be all the parts of any Manor which be not in the hands of
freeholders of estate or inheritance, though they be occupied by
Copiholders, Lessees for yeeres or for life, as well as tenant at will.
H. Fielding Joseph Andrews I. ii. xiv. 267
He occupied a small piece of Land of his own, besides which he rented a considerable deal more.
W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. i. 7
By constantly occupying the same individual spot, the fruits of the earth were consumed.
J. H. Newman Lect. Hist. Turks i. i. 2
This tract‥is at present occupied by civilized communities.
J. Russell Haigs of Bemersyde 5
Bemersyde House‥has been occupied by the Haigs for more than seven centuries.
D. H. Lawrence Plumed Serpent xvii. 281
The Bishop no longer occupied the great episcopal palace.
C. Day Lewis Buried Day i. 16,
A photograph that after my mother's untimely death used to hang in dark corners or passages of the houses we occupied.
A. Storr School of Genius iv. 44
Today, cells are designed for one prisoner have to be occupied by three.
†c. intr. To hold possession or office; to dwell, reside; to stay, abide. Obs.
in Sections Assembly Bk. A Shrewsbury Guild Hall 87
The stuwardes‥schall‥yef true and good accompts‥of all maner receyts‥bi theym reseyved‥duringe the tyme they have occupyed.
in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng.
These ben the Wronges, Iniuries‥which that Sir Richard [and
others]‥that occupien for hym there han do to the kynges tenantz.
Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende 337/1
He‥ordeyned an holy man to occupye in his place.
in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl.
II. 418
For mail quhair the King occupiit in his innys‥lvj s.
J. Fitzherbert Bk. Surueyeng Prol. sig. B2v,
The names of the lordes and tenauntes that occupy.
Matt. xvii. 21
Whyle they occupied in Galile Iesus sayde vnto them [etc.].
tr. J. Perkins Profitable Bk.
(new ed.)
i. §100. 44
An assignee is‥such a person who doth occupie in his own right; and a
deputie such a person who doth occupie in the right of another.
†a. trans. To take possession of, take for one's own use, seize. Also fig. Obs.
(Wycliffite, E.V.)
(Bodl. 959)
2 Kings xv. 14
Heeȝeþ to gon out lest par auenture, comynge, he ocupie vs & fulfille vp on vs fallynge.
T. Wimbledon Serm.
(Corpus Cambr.)
Fre men he makeþ bonde, and bryngeþ forþ fals wittenesse, and occupieþ dede mennys þyngis, as þey shulde neuere dye.
in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds
I beqwethe to Thomas Heighaum the yonger my tablys of ivory.‥ And if
he wil not ocupye hem I bequethe the seid tablees to‥his wyf.
in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia
III. 205
Thay occupy the mony to their awn use.
R. Rolle Psalter
(Univ. Oxf. 64)
xvii. 6
Preoccupauerunt me laquei mortis‥bifore occupid has me the snares of ded.
Hall's Vnion: Henry VII f. lx,
Also dyed‥the kynges chiefe chamberleyn, whose office Charles‥occupied and enioyed.
J. Brende tr. Q. Curtius Rufus Hist. ix. f. 181,
Some occupied dartes, some speares, and other axes, and‥leaped to and fro their cartes.
J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl.
II. 462
Quhen the Catholickis war in sik penuritie‥the nobilitie occupieng thair gudes.
W. Raleigh Hist. World i. v. i. §2. 317
Which done, they occupied the Citie, Lands, Goods, and Wiues, of those, whom they had murdered.
b. trans. spec. To take possession of (a place), esp. by force; to take possession and hold of (a building).
(Wycliffite, E.V.)
(Bodl. 959)
Judges vii. 24
Comeþ down in to aȝen-metyng of Madyan & occupieþ [a1425 L.V. ocupie ȝe; L. occupate] þe wateris vn to Bethhara & Jordan.
J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum
(BL Add.)
f. 190,
Sardus‥come oute of libea wiþ grete multitude and ocupied Sardinia and ȝaf þere to his owne name.
T. Castleford Chron.
Þar famen þe north occupede.
J. Barbour Bruce i. 98
Throw his mycht till occupy Landis, þat war till him marcheand.
R. Fabyan New Chron. Eng.
v. xciv. 69
A Saxon named Ella‥slewe many Brytons,‥and after occupyed that Countre.
Hall's Vnion: Henry VII f. xxvv,
That he would inuade or occupie the territory of hys enemies.
J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl.
II. 151
The Bischop sa iniuret, in a furie cumis til Edr, occupies the toune.
J. Skene tr. Regiam Majestatem i. 8
To compeir, and answere‥vpon the principall pleie‥touching the lands vnjustlie occupied be him.
Gibbon Decline & Fall I. v. 241
The heights had been occupied by the archers and slingers of the confederates.
T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. x. 582
The Dutch had occupied Chelsea and Kensington.
T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. xviii. 205
Glencoe was to be occupied by troops.
Encycl. Brit. I. 448/2
Aix‥was occupied by the Saracens in 731.
H. MacLennan Seven Rivers Canada 28
The Canadian west would surely have been occupied by them‥had not
the ancient rights of prior exploration‥bound the land to Canada.
R. Christiansen Romantic Affirmities iv. 156
When Napoleon occupied Warsaw, Hoffman refused to take an oath of loyalty.
†c. intr. To take possession. Obs.
R. Pecock Donet 68
Ech man which haþ superflue goodis more þan is nede to occupie.
Gest Historiale Destr. Troy 5329
My fos were so fell‥Þat þai occupiet ouer all, euyn as hom list.
C. E. S. Norton Lady of La Garaye Prol.,
Creatures that dwell alone Occupy boldly.
d. trans. To gain access to and remain in (a building, etc.) or on (a piece of land), without authority, as a form of protest.
Times 2 Sept. 9/2
The men have occupied the works in those cases where the masters have declined to run the works at a loss.
Newsweek 6 May 43/1
The university's Hamilton Hall was the first successful target of
the revolutionaries, and it was seized and occupied Tuesday.
China Post
(Taipei, Taiwan)
1 May 1/5
About 400 protestors from the Yami aboriginal tribe occupied a loading pier over the weekend.
7. trans. To take up, use up, fill (space, time, etc.); to be situated, stationed, or seated at or in, to be at or in (a place, position, etc.).
(Wycliffite, E.V.)
(Douce 369(2))
Luke xiii. 7
Kitt it doun, wherto occupieth it the erthe [L. terram occupat]?
Chaucer Squire's Tale 64
Thanne wolde it occupie a someres day.
Gast of Guy
(Rawl. Poet. 175)
l. 578
Þe saule es gastly, and forþi It occupyes na stede bodily.
Three Kings Cologne
(Cambr. Ee.4.32)
Alle placys were ocupied with pilgrymes and oþir men.
Hall's Vnion: Henry VII f. xiv,
Lyke a cypher in algorisme that is ioyned to no figure but onely occupieth a place.
J. Alday tr. P. Boaistuau Theatrum Mundi sig. S vij b,
If we should rehearse and declare all the singularities‥I should occupy a large volume.
Chester Plays
Marye‥harbour‥gett wee ne maye, for great lordes of stowte araye occupye this cyttye.
W. Stewart tr. Boece Bk. Cron. Scotl.
II. 719
My pen wald tyre‥To occupie so lang ane tyme and space.
J. Guillim Display of Heraldrie ii. vii. 73
In the Crosse fimbriated the edges thereof doe occupie the least portion thereof.
T. Hobbes Leviathan iii. xxxiv. 207
The Word Body‥signifieth that which‥occupyeth some certain room.
H. Fielding Tom Jones IV. x. iv. 30
She placed her chair in such a posture, as almost to occupy the whole fire.
D. Hume Hist. Eng. II. xxxvii. 308
The fencing against the pains and infirmities under which he laboured occupied a great part of his time.
G. Bird Elements Nat. Philos. 369
The black cross disappearing, and leaving white spaces in the place it previously occupied.
R. W. Dale Jewish Temple xvi. 173,
I shall not occupy your time with any description of the form of the sanctuary.
B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues I. 399
The voyage‥has occupied thirty days.
G. B. Shaw You never can Tell i. 208
Two persons just now occupying the room.
I. Murdoch Under Net vii. 100
Hugo's flat occupied a corner position, and was skirted on the outside by a high parapet.
F. Tuohy Ice Saints
vii. 42
Every table at the café was occupied.
A. N. Wilson Tolstoy Forewd. 1
The modern Soviet Union, like the Empire of Catherine the Great, occupies roughly one sixth of the world's surface.
a. trans. To have sexual intercourse or relations with. Obs.
tr. R. Higden Polychron.
III. 47
Men of Lacedemonia‥wery thro the compleyntes of theire wifes beenge at home, made a decre‥that thei scholde occupye [a1387(Trevisa), take; L. uti] mony men.
Dialogue Comen Secretary & Ielowsy xxii,
Suerly Her owne tayle she shulde occupy Somtyme for nede.
J. Bale Actes Eng. Votaryes
i. 56 b,
As king Edwine‥occupyed Alfgiua his concubine.
J. Florio Worlde of Wordes,
Trentuno,‥a punishment inflicted by ruffianly fellowes
uppon raskalie whores in Italy, who‥cause them to be occupide one and
thirtie times by one and thirtie seuerall base raskalie companions.
H. Hexham Groot Woorden-boeck,
Genooten, to Lie with, or to Occupie a woman.
Last Will & Testament Charter of London 2
To Enjoy & Occupy all from the Bawd to the Whore downward.
in T. D'Urfey Wit & Mirth V. 139
For she will be occupied when others they lay still.
Lexicon Balatronicum,
Occupy, to occupy a woman, to have carnal knowledge of her.
b. intr. To have sexual intercourse or relations; to cohabit. Obs.
in F. J. Furnivall R. Laneham's Let.
Introd. 130
To make hyme [sc. your husband] lystear to occupye with youe.
J. Florio Worlde of Wordes in J. S. Farmer & W. E. Henley Slang
V. 86/2
A good wench, one that occupies freely.
W. Rowley Woman never Vexed iii. i, in W. C. Hazlitt Dodsley's Sel. Coll. Old Eng. Plays
XII. 137
Being partners, they did occupy long together before they were married.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Occupy Wall St.
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