“Was not their mistake once more bred of the life of slavery that they had been living?—a life which was always looking upon everything, except mankind, animate and inanimate—‘nature,’ as people used to call it—as one thing, and mankind as another, it was natural to people thinking in this way, that they should try to make ‘nature’ their slave, since they thought ‘nature’ was something outside them” — William Morris

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Okay This Is Really Bugging Me Now It's Coming Around Again

 There is an "intellectual" trope that goes: "I know something you don't know: rural people feel alienated and we should listen to them." I am deeply concerned about every word and nuance of this trope. 

It's emerging again as it did in 2016, just in time for the election. 

Authors, can you at least see how this trope can be used by the ultra right.

Part of what is so disturbing about the trope is the “this is a totally new take on things that you simply must pay attention to, it’s the key!”…the fact that one has read this amazing insight about a thousand times already.

Another aspect is, of course, the fact that “rural” is not very subtle code for “white” with a lot of extra bells and whistles: some kind of disturbing fusion of ignorance and authenticity, like the bigoted old Hobbits in the Ivy Bush Tavern.

I was in the doctor’s office in Davis, CA, when a surly teenager’s phone went off. He had the studied appearance of a “rural” person, and his ring tone was “I like a chicken fry, / Cold beer on a Friday night”…which for me is the idiotic menace of fascist enjoyment in two simple phrases.

I understand about the need to talk to the part of the brain where the memes are wired in, the part that processes 50 billion bits per second as opposed to the frontal cortex to which the left is keen to craft its messages.

...but you're not talking to that part. You're talking to the frontal lobe of a left wing reader. This isn't reaching "rural" people. This is a threat, whether you meant for it to be a threat or not.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Have You Read me on the Millennium Falcon Yet (It's Really Utopian)

I Wrote a Book on the Millennium Falcon. It's Really Good. And You Should Read It. by Timothy Morton

Star Wars as Jedi mind trick: a rainbow connection to socialism.

Read on Substack

I Finally Tell You the Meaning of Life


The Meaning of Life Is…that It Has No Point: Decolonizing Christianity by Roberto Che Espinoza, PhD

Guest Post by Timothy Morton

Read on Substack

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Neopaganism! Timothy Snyder YES

 Oh yes oh yes oh YES. Likewise I have been reading Chesterton to think on this precise issue. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024



Hurricane Beryl gave them the cover they needed. In its aftermath, the police cars had left. Police had positioned cars during fundamentalist protests a few weeks ago. Protests of a magnificent statue by Shahzia Sikander at the University of Houston. 

They beheaded the statue and made lynching-postcard-style videos about it. 

This is what I did in response.

If You've Been Following Me for a While, You'll See at Once Why These Reviews Are So Touching

 The American Academy of Religion one, by Mark Porter, really really sees the book. 

And this one, by Chris Jerrey on Medium, is also an incredible act of seeing. 

Use CUP20 as a discount code when you buy the book from Columbia direct. 

William Blake, The Reunion of the Soul and the Body

Sunday, July 7, 2024

My New Substack Post

Mysticism and Totalitarianism by Timothy Morton

Why The Current Moment Requires You to Step It Up, in Your Head

Read on Substack

Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Dynamite Interview (very very recent)

 Blake Chastain of Exvangelical wasted no time in posting this. 

Time Is a Mist that Flows from the Mouth of the Spirit

וַֽיְהִי־ עֶ֥רֶב וַֽיְהִי־ בֹ֖קֶר י֥וֹם שֵׁנִֽי׃ פ

And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

My First Substack Post Is about (You Guessed It?) LAWNS


Kicked to the Kerb: Lawn Convolute Alpha by Timothy Morton

The Silence of the Lawns (Is Deafening)

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Why So Much Ecological Writing Gets You Stuck in a Heat Dome

Bookplate Offer!


Bookplate offer! Send me a note with proof of purchase of my new new book Hell and a good address, and I will send you two bookplates, one signed. If it’s hard to get the proof of purchase into a note, just email me at tbm2@rice.edu The bookplates I made myself using the poetry and imagery of William Blake. They’ll stick nicely onto the frontispiece of your copy. I’ve used about 250 so far!

- Timothy Morton

Read on Substack

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Cool Water for Your Burning Brain in a Burning World

 Sick of the horror yet? 

“Blake’s Songs of Innocence cry out that we don’t have to live in a world where master versus slave, human versus nonhuman, male versus female define everything. There is always a lovely, innocent excess of reality over what we think we see, our eyes dimmed by conflict and rage and fear. This is what Blake meant when he wrote, ‘To see a world in a grain of sand’ Auguries of Innocence). That grain is not defined by its place in an hourglass. ‘Satan’s watch fiends’ – the ideas, ideologies, and people that master measurement (Blake’s allegorical writing lets you be wonderfully flexible) – do not have a monopoly on that tiny crystal of silicon. You could find all kinds of sparkling facets in that grain if you looked carefully enough.”

Monday, June 24, 2024

Want a Signed Copy? It's Easy!

 Message me (tbm2@rice.edu) with proof of purchase of my book Hell: In Search of a Christian Ecology, and an address...

...and I'll send you two Blake bookplates I've made, one signed! They're stickers so you can easily put one in your copy. 

Just about to mail the third batch. That means I've signed 250 so far. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Lovely Spirit Spiritual Songs by Lovely Beings

 This Library of Congress post is incredible. You can hear them singing. 

"I’d like to honor two prodigious collectors of African American spirituals, Becky Elzy and Aberta Bradford. These two African American women, who were born into slavery in Louisiana, remembered over one hundred spirituals and shared them with people who had the institutional means to preserve them. The result is a published book in the Library’s general collections containing 120 songs, a microfilm shared by the American Folklife Center and the Library’s Music Division containing at least 6 unpublished songs, and 3 sound discs in the AFC archive containing 10 recordings of Elzy and Bradford’s singing"

Lovely Review of the New Book

 By Frank Mills, on his wonderful website