“Was not their mistake once more bred of the life of slavery that they had been living?—a life which was always looking upon everything, except mankind, animate and inanimate—‘nature,’ as people used to call it—as one thing, and mankind as another, it was natural to people thinking in this way, that they should try to make ‘nature’ their slave, since they thought ‘nature’ was something outside them” — William Morris

Monday, September 4, 2023

Help Me Find Religion Journals, Magazines, Websites

 Okay everyone, I need your help. I'm a philosopher and a literature scholar who has taken a theological turn, and I need to find out who ought to receive copies of Hell: In Search of a Christian Ecology. It comes out on April 22, 2024 (Earth Day). 

Did you know that interest in this book has caused my blog to get double the hits it was getting during the Hyperobjects days, where from 2010 to 2013 I was doing a lot of lectures on that topic and publishing all kinds of things, the book included, about them? 

When I say double I mean up to 100,000 a day. Did you know the blog could get those kinds of hits? Neither did I!? And I haven't done a single lecture or interview about the new book. Hyperobjects sold out its first edition before it even appeared on Amazon. 

Hell is going to be huge. 

So I'm pouring a lot of effort into really thinking about who ought to receive this book. As you may know, I don't have an agent, and I do all this stuff all by myself. 

But I don't get out a lot. I literally have my head in the clouds. It's taken me weeks for example to remember that I was interviewed by BBC Newsnight about Humankind (did you know that?), so I could tell Columbia to contact them about this. 

So please please comment below. I will be forever in your debt. What you share can be as popular or as niche as you wish. 


Zura said...

21. The Quaker Theological Discussion Group - A scholarly group that publishes articles on Quaker theology and philosophy. https://qtdg.org/

22. The Unitarian Universalist Association - A religious organization that publishes articles on Unitarian Universalist theology and philosophy. https://www.uua.org/

23. The Pagan Federation - An organization that promotes Paganism and publishes articles on Pagan theology and philosophy. https://paganfed.org/

24. The Wiccan Rede - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Wiccan perspective. https://wiccanrede.org/

25. The Satanic Temple - An organization that promotes Satanism and publishes articles on Satanic theology and philosophy. https://thesatanictemple.com/

26. The Church of Satan - An organization that promotes Satanism and publishes articles on Satanic theology and philosophy. https://www.churchofsatan.com/

27. The Temple of Set - An organization that promotes Setianism and publishes articles on Setian theology and philosophy. https://www.xeper.org/

28. The Order of the Golden Dawn - An organization that promotes Hermeticism and publishes articles on Hermetic theology and philosophy. https://www.golden-dawn.com/

29. The Theosophical Society - An organization that promotes Theosophy and publishes articles on Theosophical theology and philosophy. https://www.theosophical.org/

30. The Rosicrucian Fellowship - An organization that promotes Rosicrucianism and publishes articles on Rosicrucian theology and philosophy. https://www.rosicrucian.org/

Andy Wilson said...

Website and newsletter on William Blake, Surrealism, Ecology and radical theology and politics.


jackbenjamin said...


Marta Rezende said...

Do Brasil
1 - Caio Fábio - Twitter @caiofabiovvtv
2 - Pastor e Deputado Henrique Vieira - Twitter @pastorhenriquev
3 - Instituto Humanitas Unisinos - IHU - Twitter @_ihu - website
4 - Faustino Teixeira - Teólogo - blog http://fteixeira-dialogos.blogspot.com/
5 - Mauro Lopes - Jornalista - Paz e Bem - Facebook https://web.facebook.com/canalpazebem/?_rdc=1&_rdr - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMX3CvtWQUOKrNwfgx3gcAQ
6 - Frei Beto - blog https://www.freibetto.org/ - Twitter @freibetto
7 - Leonardo Boff - Teólogo - blog https://leonardoboff.org/ - Twitter @LeonardoBoff

Zura said...

1. Journal of the American Academy of Religion - A scholarly journal that publishes articles on a wide range of religious topics, including theology, philosophy, and history. https://academic.oup.com/jaar

2. The Christian Century - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Christian perspective. https://www.christiancentury.org/

3. Religion Dispatches - An online magazine that features articles on religion and politics, culture, and society, from a variety of perspectives. https://religiondispatches.org/

4. First Things - A journal that publishes articles on religion and culture, from a conservative Catholic perspective. https://www.firstthings.com/

5. The Journal of Religion - A scholarly journal that publishes articles on a wide range of religious topics, including theology, philosophy, and history, from a variety of perspectives. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/jr/current

6. Harvard Divinity Bulletin - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a variety of perspectives. https://bulletin.hds.harvard.edu/

7. Theology Today - A scholarly journal that publishes articles on a wide range of religious topics, including theology, philosophy, and history, from a variety of perspectives. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/today/current

8. Commonweal Magazine - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Catholic perspective. https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/

9. The Christian Science Monitor - A newspaper that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Christian Science perspective. https://www.csmonitor.com/

10. The Tablet - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Catholic perspective. https://www.thetablet.co.uk/

11. The Christian Post - An online magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Christian perspective. https://www.christianpost.com/

12. Christianity Today - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from an evangelical Christian perspective. https://www.christianitytoday.com/

13. Sojourners Magazine - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a progressive Christian perspective. https://sojo.net/magazine

14. The National Catholic Reporter - A newspaper that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Catholic perspective. https://www.ncronline.org/

15. The Jewish Daily Forward - A newspaper that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Jewish perspective. https://forward.com/

16. The Islamic Monthly - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Muslim perspective. https://www.theislamicmonthly.com/

17. The Buddhist Review - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Buddhist perspective. https://tricycle.org/

18. The Hindu - A newspaper that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Hindu perspective. https://www.thehindu.com/

19. The Sikh Review - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Sikh perspective. https://www.sikhreview.org/

20. The Bahá'í World - A magazine that covers a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, and social justice, from a Bahá'í perspective. https://bahaiworld.bahai.org/

Timothy Morton said...

Wow that is genius, all of you!!!! Thank you!

Timothy Morton said...

I am stunned by your generosity and kindness, everyone.

Niels said...

For German readers fx:

O Primeiro Romantismo Alemão na Filosofia e na Literatura: Legado e Atualidade said...

Associação Brasileira de Filosofia da Religião (Brazilian Association of Philosophy of Religion) - https://abfr.org/

FAJE - Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (Jesuit College) - Brazil - https://faculdadejesuita.edu.br/catalogo-de-e-mails-e-telefones/ or https://faculdadejesuita.edu.br/fale_conosco/

PUC-Minas - Catholic College of Minas Gerais, Brazil - https://www.pucminas.br/destaques/Paginas/default.aspx

Good luck!

Emma T said...

Archbishop Justin Welby
Pope Francis

Catherine Michael said...

Do you have a TOC or a blurb for it? Are you covering Boehme, Blake & Wordsworth? Thoreau, Emerson & Alcott? Or is it a new philosophical treatise by you?

I've read a lot of Arthur Versluis's books; he has one called: Esotericism, Religion, and Nature, Versluis et al., eds., (North American Academic Press / MSU Press, 2010). https://arthurversluis.com/sample-page/

I searched for some books & discovered some of the following:

I wonder if you cover the Laudato Si of the Catholic Church https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/encyclical. I found the scholar Catherine Wright wrote a book on that (I've not read) https://www.thewrightecotheologian.com/about. I've just noted that the Pope does speak out on this topic. I also found Dr. Celia Deane-Drummond at Oxford https://www.theology.ox.ac.uk/people/professor-celia-deane-drummond (wow, I'll have to read some of her works). Denis Edwards also came up: https://lsri.campion.ox.ac.uk/denis-edwards-visiting-fellowship

David Lagourie Gosling is at Cambridge https://www.routledge.com/authors/i19614-david-gosling

I can't find contact information for David Landis Barnhill https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520216846/at-home-on-the-earth

I've been reading on panpscyhism: Peter Ells, David Skrbina, Philip Goff, etc. Not sure if that factors into your text.

Timothy Morton said...

Emma T, I do in fact know some people in the Vatican and will be contacting them about this book really soon. I used to work in Lambeth Palace and met Desmond Tutu there, ages ago! So your point, though perhaps made flippantly, is very well taken.

Timothy Morton said...

Thanku you very much indeed Catherine--yes I do write about Laudato Si!

Timothy Morton said...

I'm incredibly grateful for all the help you're giving here.

Zura said...

1. The Center for Action and Contemplation: This organization is a spiritual center that seeks to integrate contemplation and action. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores the intersection of Christianity and ecology. Website: https://cac.org/

2. The Green Seminary Initiative: This organization seeks to promote environmental sustainability in theological education. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://www.greenseminaries.org/

3. The Society of Christian Ethics: This organization is a scholarly society that explores ethical issues from a Christian perspective. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ethics and ecology. Website: https://scethics.org/

4. The National Religious Partnership for the Environment: This organization is a partnership of four major religious organizations that seeks to promote environmental stewardship. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://www.nrpe.org/

5. The Catholic Climate Covenant: This organization is a Catholic organization that seeks to promote environmental sustainability. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/

6. The Evangelical Environmental Network: This organization is an evangelical Christian organization that seeks to promote environmental stewardship. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://creationcare.org/

7. The Green Bible: This organization is a Bible that highlights passages related to environmental stewardship. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://www.greenletterbible.com/

8. The Center for Religion and Environment at Sewanee: This organization is a center that explores the intersection of religion and the environment. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://cres.sewanee.edu/

9. The Forum on Religion and Ecology: This organization is a forum that explores the relationship between religion and ecology. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://fore.yale.edu/

10. The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology: This organization is a forum that explores the relationship between religion and ecology. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://fore.yale.edu/

11. The World Council of Churches: This organization is a worldwide fellowship of Christian churches that seeks to promote unity and cooperation. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://www.oikoumene.org/

12. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: This organization is a conference of Catholic bishops that seeks to promote the Catholic faith. They may be interested in Morton's book because it explores Christian ecology. Website: https://www.usccb.org/

Holden Turner said...

The env. humanities field needs this! I think you already know Whitney Bauman, but I hope he knows about what you're doing with HELL.

I think Dante scholars should know what you're writing about (he was the first to illustrate Hell for us moderns), even though to-date there's been very little crossover with contemporary ecological thought. I would suggest writing to
- Dante Society of America and their journal Dante Studies
The Dante Society of America, Inc.
P.O. Box 600800
Newtonville, MA 02460

and some individual scholars split between US/UK who are working on contemporary readings of Hell
- Manuele Gragnolati
- Elena Lombardi
- Francesca Southerden
- Nicolo Crisafi

Timothy Morton said...

I LOVE Whitney Bauman so much. This is a wonderful comment. Thank you!!!!