This argument, a sort of argument from optics, is a typical at present humanities response to this term.
It's a reaction to the use of "anthropos."
In form it is precisely the conservative argument against global warming (the same thing, or a symptom of it): "Humans are so arrogant to presume they can change nature/be a geophysical force."
The humanist reaction is a symptom of its sclerosis. Exactly the wrong ideas at the wrong time.
“Was not their mistake once more bred of the life of slavery that they had been living?—a life which was always looking upon everything, except mankind, animate and inanimate—‘nature,’ as people used to call it—as one thing, and mankind as another, it was natural to people thinking in this way, that they should try to make ‘nature’ their slave, since they thought ‘nature’ was something outside them” — William Morris
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Eco Humanities Symposium CFP
Come one and all!
Rice University English Symposium
September 13-14, 2013
Ecology and the Environmental Humanities
Keynotes: Prof. Claire Colebrook, PennState University
Prof. Timothy Morton, Rice University
The 2013 English Symposium at Rice University invites responses to the ecological and nonhuman turns in the humanities. These turns are undoubtedly responses to environmental crises, food shortages, global warming, factory farming, and species extinction, but this symposium is also interested in discussing the emergence of nonhumans, such as matter, objects, animals, systems, technology, and media, in our critical conversations surrounding these problems.
While the humanities have an opportunity to challenge the problems and solutions put forth by scientific discourses, the Anthropocene, the post-Natural, and the Posthuman come to challenge humanism. What are humanities scholars able to contribute to the conversations concerning ecology and nonhumans?
Papers can address these topics across a variety of periods, genres, disciplines, and theoretical frames, such as:
Affect Theory
Capitalism and Political Economy
Critical Animal Studies
Critical Race Studies
Cybernetics and Technology
Disability Studies
Environmental Activism
Food studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Green Capitalism
History of Science
Medicine and Disease
New Materialism
New Media
Object Oriented Ontology
Population Studies
Settlement Studies
Social Movements
Systems Theory
Proposals (max 250 words) are due on July 1. Papers should be readable in 20 minutes, but shorter pieces are encouraged to allow more time for discussion. Please email proposals to as a word document or pdf file.
Rice University English Symposium
September 13-14, 2013
Ecology and the Environmental Humanities
Keynotes: Prof. Claire Colebrook, PennState University
Prof. Timothy Morton, Rice University
The 2013 English Symposium at Rice University invites responses to the ecological and nonhuman turns in the humanities. These turns are undoubtedly responses to environmental crises, food shortages, global warming, factory farming, and species extinction, but this symposium is also interested in discussing the emergence of nonhumans, such as matter, objects, animals, systems, technology, and media, in our critical conversations surrounding these problems.
While the humanities have an opportunity to challenge the problems and solutions put forth by scientific discourses, the Anthropocene, the post-Natural, and the Posthuman come to challenge humanism. What are humanities scholars able to contribute to the conversations concerning ecology and nonhumans?
Papers can address these topics across a variety of periods, genres, disciplines, and theoretical frames, such as:
Affect Theory
Capitalism and Political Economy
Critical Animal Studies
Critical Race Studies
Cybernetics and Technology
Disability Studies
Environmental Activism
Food studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Green Capitalism
History of Science
Medicine and Disease
New Materialism
New Media
Object Oriented Ontology
Population Studies
Settlement Studies
Social Movements
Systems Theory
Proposals (max 250 words) are due on July 1. Papers should be readable in 20 minutes, but shorter pieces are encouraged to allow more time for discussion. Please email proposals to as a word document or pdf file.
Tuned City Brussels 2
Here are some more details about my talk.
Tuned City Brussels: Sound, Philosophy, Space
Here are some short details about my contribution, "Earworms." My panel is called "Operative Ambience" and I believe it's on Saturday 6.29 at 11am.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Copy Editing Hyperobjects
The press did a great job choosing a very good copy editor, I reckon. Not all are as good as that. I should have this part done by tomorrow I think, having started today.
10 Days 6 Talks
Chicago, Sussex (x2), The Hague, Rotterdam (x2).
That was a real humdinger of a trip. I'm going to space them out a bit after this. It was incredibly educational for me. But I'm pretty tired now!
That was a real humdinger of a trip. I'm going to space them out a bit after this. It was incredibly educational for me. But I'm pretty tired now!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Anthropocene OED
I think I've successfully persuaded my friend John Simpson to put the term Anthropocene in the Oxford English Dictionary. Result!
I do occasionally get words put in the dictionary. Chasp was quite a recent one, as were some etymological discussions of dude.
I do occasionally get words put in the dictionary. Chasp was quite a recent one, as were some etymological discussions of dude.
Martin Amis Gets It Right
I like how explicit he gets about American health care in this interview in the Financial Times Sunday:
“There are several veins of madness in American life. Health is another one. Can’t the bloody fools see they pay more than anyone else for this absolutely vile and gangsterish system?”
He just moved to New York, you see. I remember when I first showed up. Deeply deeply shocking to see Penn Station: all the disabled homeless people shuffling about like in New Delhi.
“There are several veins of madness in American life. Health is another one. Can’t the bloody fools see they pay more than anyone else for this absolutely vile and gangsterish system?”
He just moved to New York, you see. I remember when I first showed up. Deeply deeply shocking to see Penn Station: all the disabled homeless people shuffling about like in New Delhi.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
"All Entities Have Dasein"
A little light went on over the head of the very very kind Heideggerian at EUR in Rotterdam as I delved into OOO. This is what he said. He was into it!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Andre Ling's Fuzzy Objects
Andre reminded me of this when I'd posted my talk "Things Are Fuzzy."
Some Problems in Ecological Philosophy (MP3)
Two hours of fantastic conversation, I thought. Hosted by the Philosophy Department at Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Sjoerd van Tuinen presiding.
What Is Ecological Philosophy? Q&A
It was long and thanks to Henk it was very detailed. Featuring drawings on blackboards!
What Is Ecological Philosophy? (MP3)
Henk Oosterling is
(1) A very nice chap
(2) An excellent mind
(3) Deeply interested in martial arts and Buddhism
(4) Last but not least, someone who has created the most extraordinary school, sort of Plato's academy for 4 to 12 year olds in a struggling neighborhood of Rotterdam. Earth measuring (geometry) as philosophy, judo and growing things class(es).
Anyway--more on that in another post. Here is what we did last night.
(1) A very nice chap
(2) An excellent mind
(3) Deeply interested in martial arts and Buddhism
(4) Last but not least, someone who has created the most extraordinary school, sort of Plato's academy for 4 to 12 year olds in a struggling neighborhood of Rotterdam. Earth measuring (geometry) as philosophy, judo and growing things class(es).
Anyway--more on that in another post. Here is what we did last night.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Things Are Fuzzy Q&A
This was a short but very helpful (for me) Q&A from my talk at Yes Naturally.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Things Are Fuzzy (MP3)
This is the Yes Naturally talk. It was extraordinary as I've said to see the art of Ai Wei Wei and so on, all exploring the idea of ecology without nature, which was the brief of the exhibition. I was struck by the exemplarity of Person Broersen and Margit Lukacs's movie Mastering Bambi, which was by turns an idyllic pastoral and a horror movie—yet without actors and with only one single shot, simply changes in color and music, a Möbius journey through a dark forest. Wow. I'll post more on everything as time goes by. Q&A mp3 to follow.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Yes Naturally is an incredible exhibition. It was profoundly touching and also very humbling to see one's ideas expressed in a nonverbal form, so much better than one could have done oneself. If you are near it you should go. Ai Wei Wei is in there. This incredible video piece is there--I shall try to describe it later. And on and on. Infrastructural art that points out how things just function in our background ("nature") is there, being all object oriented. I couldn't believe it.
Also, scholarly life has started working even better now I talk about the lineage of French feminism. More soon.
Also, scholarly life has started working even better now I talk about the lineage of French feminism. More soon.
Environmentality (MP3)
This was a "masterclass." Nicholas Royle opened the discussion by asking what I thought of the notion of "mastery." Wow! There thus devolved an enormous excursus on this issue that blended strangely nicely into the discussion of weird environmental poetics...
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Reflections on Creativity in the Anthropocene (MP3)
Sussex University is incredible and Lewes is incredible and Nicholas Royle is incredible. And the Q&A was incredible!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Mark Payne
One of the great benefits of being in Chicago was to have hung out just now with Mark Payne, a classics scholar and old and rekindled friend. We used to live adjacent to one another in New Buildings 1 at Magdalen College. He is a very very smart guy. And a very very funny guy. It turns out we are both fans of Joe Wenderoth, the Ali G of agonized laughter. And we both think about ecology.
Symposium wrap up soon. It was incredible, is the headline.
Symposium wrap up soon. It was incredible, is the headline.
Concentric Temporalities
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The World Has Already Ended
Isao Hashimoto, visualization of every nuclear detonation since 1945.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Friday, May 17, 2013
History and Politics of the Anthropocene: Anya Zilberstein
C17 and C18 North America
variations on themes in cultural history of climate
Samuel Williams, “Change of Climate in North America and Europe” (1790)
“The whole earth is less subject to extreme cold than it was formerly. Every climate has become more temperature, and uniform, and equal and this will continue to be the cse so long as diligence, industry, and agriculture shall mark the conduct of mankind”
1638: descriptions of New England include language about the climate
to produce feeling of security
Edward Long C18 response to Buffon, 1784: “phlogistic particles from myriads of reeking dunghills, from the fumes of furnaces from the fire s and smoke of ten thousand crowded cities...”
He can’t believe humans can change climate
political decision to say it’s temperate
ideas << classics + empirical samples: Samuel Williams
center hot; poles very cold (extreme where no one wants to live, uncivilized, unable to engage in higher thought)
you want to inhabit the temperate zones
Scots and North Britons, who don’t survive in tropical climates
arguments about bringing a certain type of person...
“it’s not that cold”
C18 example: Rome, Constantinople, New England (!); Paris, Vienna, Nova-Scotia (!)
Humboldt, isotherms: New England in cold and wintry regions, not temperate at all
>> more and more global maps of climate
all models are anthropocentric: temperature, torrid, frigid defined in terms of human need
some maps depend on agricultural plants, seeds
emerging notion of nature as subject to change; unstable, uncertain
>> naturalizations of concept of temperate climate; these have become invisible to us
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Ecology and the Environmental Humanities CFP
We are extending the deadline for applications for this year's Symposium to July 1. Here's a copy of the CFP. Note that we have decided on our keynotes: Prof. Claire Colebrook from Penn State, and our own Prof. Tim Morton. We're very excited to have them keynote!
Ecology and the Environmental Humanities
Keynotes: Prof. Claire Colebrook, PennState University
Prof. Timothy Morton, Rice University
Ecology and the Environmental Humanities
Keynotes: Prof. Claire Colebrook, PennState University
Prof. Timothy Morton, Rice University
Rice University English Symposium
September 13-14, 2013
The 2013 English Symposium at Rice University invites responses to the ecological and nonhuman turns in the humanities. These turns are undoubtedly responses to environmental crises, food shortages, global warming, factory farming, and species extinction, but this symposium is also interested in discussing the emergence of nonhumans, such as matter, objects, animals, systems, technology, and media, in our critical conversations surrounding these problems.
While the humanities have an opportunity to challenge the problems and solutions put forth by scientific discourses, the Anthropocene, the post-Natural, and the Posthuman come to challenge humanism. What are humanities scholars able to contribute to the conversations concerning ecology and nonhumans?
Papers can address these topics across a variety of periods, genres, disciplines, and theoretical frames, such as:
September 13-14, 2013
The 2013 English Symposium at Rice University invites responses to the ecological and nonhuman turns in the humanities. These turns are undoubtedly responses to environmental crises, food shortages, global warming, factory farming, and species extinction, but this symposium is also interested in discussing the emergence of nonhumans, such as matter, objects, animals, systems, technology, and media, in our critical conversations surrounding these problems.
While the humanities have an opportunity to challenge the problems and solutions put forth by scientific discourses, the Anthropocene, the post-Natural, and the Posthuman come to challenge humanism. What are humanities scholars able to contribute to the conversations concerning ecology and nonhumans?
Papers can address these topics across a variety of periods, genres, disciplines, and theoretical frames, such as:
Affect Theory
Capitalism and Political Economy
Critical Animal Studies
Critical Race Studies
Cybernetics and Technology
Disability Studies
Environmental Activism
Food studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Green Capitalism
History of Science
Medicine and Disease
New Materialism
New Media
Object Oriented Ontology
Population Studies
Settlement Studies
Social Movements
Systems Theory
Proposals (max 250 words) are due on July 1. Papers should be readable in 20 minutes, but shorter pieces are encouraged to allow more time for discussion. Please email proposals to as a word document or pdf file.
Capitalism and Political Economy
Critical Animal Studies
Critical Race Studies
Cybernetics and Technology
Disability Studies
Environmental Activism
Food studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Green Capitalism
History of Science
Medicine and Disease
New Materialism
New Media
Object Oriented Ontology
Population Studies
Settlement Studies
Social Movements
Systems Theory
Proposals (max 250 words) are due on July 1. Papers should be readable in 20 minutes, but shorter pieces are encouraged to allow more time for discussion. Please email proposals to as a word document or pdf file.
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
Adam Nieman on Very Large Finitude
Imagine rolling all the water on Earth into a sphere. What would it look like? And the air?
History and Politics of the Anthropocene: John McNeill
I want to reflect on what we’ve just heard. It began with the proposition that this term isn’t useful for public policy. But I can also see the reverse. Cost benefit analysis as conventionally undertaken seems not all that useful for problems of the Anthropocene. Maybe we need to change the concept!
humans acquired power that they did in modern times
Word cropped up 1958 (first of all) according to Google.
becomes part of vocab after Crutzen
Journal of the Anthropocene
Anthropocene Review
Elementa: J. of Anthropocene Science
National Geographic
One should expect Anthropocene like events on any planet that has life. Dead planet >> dumb planet >> smart planet >> managed planet (Vernadsky, Grinspoon)
monkeying accidentally >> monkeying with intent
atmospheric chemistry case
another bioregional case: nitrogen flows
biological case: bio-globalization since 1492 (Columbian Exchange)
agriculture has taken over planet; Ruth De Fries, Columbia
Rival versions: Late Pleistocene Extinctions (Erle Ellis); ecosystems reshuffled before agriculture; before Holocene
Crutzen (Industrial revolution; GHGs, temperature)
Geologists: clear and rigorous standards
Historians: anarchic process of decision; French and Italian idea that “contemporary period” of 60s and 70s is now over (!), a conundrum; “post-contemporary” history
(literary scholars can make the same claime)
Philosophers and journalists: all using the term (can’t be stopped)
We are going to use it whether the stratigraphers say yes or no
get used to it! it’s like what historians have to put up with from film makers
struggle for authority
terms are uncontrollable
heart of the matter: energy and population (McNeill is a modernist); the curves are highly conspicuous
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
The History and Politics of the Anthropocene: Eric Posner and David Weisbach
“Public Policy over Massive Time Scales”
David and I are law professors focused on public policy. How to make the world better through it. My first reaction was that the idea was not useful at all. But this is a topic we can discuss. There is a related issue of massive time scales.
Amortization rate of benefits: economists assume this
Examples: bridge (ca 30 years)
Reform of judiciary (<100 font="" years="">
Radioactive waste (lasts 10 000 to 1 million years)
Power plants (climate change--indefinite time scale)
3% growth >> .97 discount factor
Calculate social value by subtracting costs from discounted benefits
if you have a project that has effects 100 years out, you have to take into account that you might get a better outcome by simply investing money
suppose we are considering a project with payoff of $1bn in future, and are deciding how much today to spend
If you assume discount is very low, then the $1bn is worth a few hundred million; but high discount rate >> far lower payoff
government uses a 300 year estimate
CAFE standards (fuel emissions in vehicles), fluorescent and incandescent lamp standards; small electronic motor standards; at least eleven others
every ton of carbon has a social cost to be factored in
EPA will issue major regs that include social cost of carbon
same thing can happen in any economics model of climate change
base case: climate change reduces usable output but growth continues. Errors have no long term effects.
Idea that not that much will change. Growing corn today, same as tomorrow.
Base scenario: from 30 to 27 times richer in 300 years. Why would we sacrifice today to help people who will be that much richer no matter what?
Anywhere from 25 times richer to dark ages!
how important is discounting?
how does today’s uncertainty affect estimates
efforts are highly sensitive to initial assumptions (Weisbach)
Deep uncertainty but also because climate change problem is one of energy transition
source of our wealth is fossil fuels >> energy transition in about 100 years; that is an engineering problem
[but ironically, though you wish to avoid it, “the bad level” is built into the default well-being utilitarianism used in this argument! loop!]
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
History and Politics of the Anthropocene: Jan Zalasiewicz
Dipesh: the way to make this work is not to have discussants and respondents
Now Jan Zalasiewicz will speak, the only non-social science/humanities scholar here
geologist at U of Leicester
The Earth after Us (2008)
he is part of the push to make the Anthropocene acceptable >> International Stratigraphy Association
this is as political as naming something “genocide” or “famine”
he will address us on the history of the term and the current status of the concept
International Stratigraphic Chart. There is a problem in the study of Earth. We have to deal with 4.5 billion years of complex history. No way to deal without resorting to some means of trickery.
We take dynasties of time and simply categorize them into successive units that we can handle. To give us labels that we can use. It simply tries to represent the major events and turning points in Earth history.
Where are we? Currently we are at the top of this mountain of time, divided hierarchically. We are in the phanerozoic eon in which creepy crawlies have been on the planet. There are three eras. We are in the Cenozoic era, in the Quaternary period when ice has been dominant on Earth.
The very last 11 and a bit thousand years (when the ice last retreated) is now called the Holocene epoch. Vietnam, Louisiana, etc made of Holocene deposits.
Now on top of this do we put another geological time interval? This idea has been around for quite some time
The first person who specifically developed such an idea was Buffon. Les epochs de la nature. First stratigraphic history of the Earth. 7 epochs. The last of these “Lorsque la puissance de l’homme a seconde celle de la Nature.”
Included ideas of global warming (a good thing, he thought, to postpone deep freeze)
Stoppani, Anthropozoic era; Vernadsky was also getting onto these ideas
But geologists said “nonsense.” Earth is very old and powerful. Colliding continents must be far more powerful than anything humans can introduce. Jokes about the Coke bottle layer in the strata.
This changed. Paul Crutzen, an atmospheric chemist. 2000: suggested Holocene had finished. Human impact on cryosphere, ocean, land. Anthropocene concept.
2002 Nature paper.
>> eventually term used without inverted comments in the literature, as if it were a real geological term
(even though it still isn’t)
we discussed it on the Stratigraphic Commission. We have the privilege of a free lunch with wine! We wrote a position paper on the term. 21 out of 22 serious non radical often commercial geologists said there is merit in the idea and it should be examined further. So evidence for and against is now being gathered
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Engineering Sciences 369.1938
last 200 years: human population rose above 1 billion then climbed very steeply
energy use climbed even more steeply
climate change: not significant yet...
sea level change: yet to budge...
4500 natural minerals probably doubled by humans
metals like to combine with other things in nature; aluminum is present in micrograms, vanadium and molybdenum not at all
growth of aluminum since 1950: we have produced 0.5 billion tons of aluminum, enough to cover whole USA in kitchen foil!
synthetic minerals; garnets for lasers; tungsten carbide; carbon fiber, graphene
mineraloids: ceramics, glasses
polymers, plastics; there is nothing quite like that in nature; 280 million tons a year, hardly any of which is recycled
it’s everywhere now, land and sea; almost all since 1950
by 2050 you can wrap Earth six times over in plastic wrap
rock: concrete; 2 billion tons a year produced.
bricks: one trillion bricks each year...
new strata: artificial hill in Cracow; holes in the ground (1km in Siberia)
holes filled with sediment
just about every major river has got one dam on it now
that is geology; it can be classified geologically
meters thick strata formed very rapidly, orders of magnitude faster than most geological processes
chemical signals: global warming at the moment is a small part of the Anthropocene yet may become dominant
fossil air in arctic ice: temperature fluctuation has gone up in lockstep with CO2
often metronomically
clearly we are changing that
Transport: since 1950, motor vehicles
it is surprisingly easy to change earth
>> it is fairly easy to change the composition
>> 400bpm
the climb is irregular; the Earth has a complicated plumbing system but the climb is for real
Antarctica is clearly losing mass now
5 meter sea level rise is trivial but for humans it would be uncomfortable
strata change: Triassic-Jurassic boundary in UK
bigger than climate change
the other CO2 problem: acidification
down 0.1 of a Ph point: 30% more hydrogen ions in the ocean
we don’t yet know
at 500ppm coral will stop growing and start shrinking probably mid-century
we need lots of it to keep ourselves alive; mid C19 turnips << fertilizers: bone meal; raiding skeletons from battlefields of Europe to grind up and put on fields
mummified cats ground up 1880 ground up and put on fields (wow)
dinosaur bones, feces (coprolites)
and we are still extracting phosphate; this appears to be near peak levels at the moment
we can take out of atmosphere; we have doubled the amount at Earth’s surface
1950: input of nitrogen in areas far from civilization
a global nitrogen signal
Cretaceous: sea also died << lack of circulation; gray layer in rock
since 1945 and more so 1956 (air bomb tests)
footprints; but also wasps’ nest; equivalent would be the building we are in at the moment!
we are creating trace fossils made of minerals and rocks, eminently traceable
Shanghai “trace fossil” that goes on and on and on...
we are converting the surface into a rural trace fossil (me: agrilogistics!)
diversity of “shelly” marine vertebrates can tell time
zoologists, botanists, ecologists use different numbers than geologists
golden toad of Costa Rica: discovered 1964, extinct by 1990s
do we have an era scale extinction event? not yet--but masses of things critically endangered
we are within a couple of centuries of it!
McDonaldization of life, spreading species across world
rabbits, cats, zebra mussel (took over USA)
New Zealand: 1790 native, 1570 invasive species
wet weight, dry weight, simple bulk
biomass: humans are roughly 32% of vertebrate biomass
other 65% is creatures we keep to eat
vertebrate wildlife <3 font="">
Nature: strong case
Q: what is the other side?
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
History and Politics of the Anthropocene: Fredrik Albritton Jonsson
I’m going to give an autobiographical slant.
I started as Scots Enlightenment historian >> environmental history
I was often disappointed by US environmental historians
Preservation (Muir >> Carson); sustainability, equilibrium ill defined
global transnational history not there
race, cold war science, etc etc not quite there
this scene has changed drastically in the last decade or two
“envirotech” historians do draw attention to the social bases of forecasting
we are also moving from an ethos of false clarity of preservationist idealism towards a much more pessimistic and anxious recognition of moral and political complexity and failure
it’s a dark picture but it’s also a salutary one
dubious distinction between human society and pure wilderness must go
economy <> geophysics <> ecology
how to manage over the very long run
pandora’s jar of unexpected and wicked trade offs
can we curtail emissions without abandoning human rights and social justice?
must we abandon economic growth?
or is some kind of geoengineering required?
how do we form an effective policy on a quasi geological time scale?
this offers an exhilarating intellectual moment for the humanities and social sciences
rethink history, modernity, energy, nature, growth, politics, species, scientific authority
we mean to begin and carry on this conversation
ecology, philosophy, culture, science
History and Politics of the Anthropocene: Dipesh Chakrabarty
Dipesh welcomes all of us. What a fantastic chap he really is.
What is fascinating about climate change is how different disciplines have to scale the problem up or down and do different things with their tools.
While David Archer will talk about 100 000 year scale, some will talk about global warming archive
Then economists speak of decades until the end of the century
Politicians will speak of electoral cycles
Scalar aspect of the problem: Tim Morton’s expression of feeling “outscaled”
I represent a discipline that is not particularly useful, history (!), there are some who are even less useful (literature) (!). (Of course Dipesh doesn’t agree.)
Sahlins: “just look at U Chicago. We don’t do anything that is fashionable or useful.
Climatologists who think in terms of millions of years. They don’t obviously lend themselves to policy decisions.
David Archer: is it possible for human beings to care beyond three generations?
Can you care for humans who come thousands of years after us? Or is it a constraint of human nature? Clearly these are questions that come up in thinking about global warming in general.
Questions in one discipline can open up questions in another discipline. Questions of care or persuasion; we tend to trust anecdotes, not science.
Lovelock: anecdotalism as a researchable question.
The problem creates grounds for conversation within the disciplines.
Some disciplines come to the problem thinking “here is another challenge to prove the efficacy of pre-existing tools”
Others come to it with a sense that “My discipline is now inadequate for this”
Archer: working on global warming is humbling
Triumphalism of geoengineering
we make different beasts out of it
Anthropocene: the term. As a student of human history, the problem is whenever we think of what we could do about climate change as a problem, to mitigate (or prevent, though now impossible), we think through different figures of sovereignty: purposive entities who can project out of their own being a kind of action oriented image of themselves, working with a sense of purpose
Whereas the very idea of being a geophysical force changes the metaphor. Force. How a theological category became a secular category in Newton
need to move away << sovereignty
humans now can think of themselves as a huge object exerting forces on other objects
most of human history that I do (last 500 years) is seen as the struggle for freedom and liberty.
But that is thinking through sovereignty.
To think as geophysical force is to entirely change the metaphor
Byron Talk July 3
At the International Byron Conference in London.
“Byron's Nonhuman”
At several points in his magnum opus The World as Will and Representation, Arthur Schopenhauer quotes Byron. These deeply sympathetic citations have to do with a feeling of being immersed in things, a mystical sense of being at one. What are the physical and phenomenological conditions of the state Byron evokes? They are far from obvious and far from straightforward. In this talk I shall be arguing that Byron's poetics is in part an attempt to think these conditions, which have to do with the basic coordinates of the experience of beauty according to Kant, Schopenhauer's predecessor. These coordinates have to do with some kind of unconditional intimacy with at least one other entity that is not me. Beauty thus provides some kind of zero degree of relating to another entity, a relating that is not prefabricated or conceptual. Yet it is precisely this relating that disturbs the Hegelian logic under which much contemporary thought still labors. What this thought cannot tolerate is, as I shall show, connected to the kind of unconditional, “empty” self-relating evoked in Kantian beauty. Hegel describes this as the night in which all cows are black. We will thus proceed with a reading of “She walks in beauty, like the night”—in which all cows are black. This poem elegantly stages the encounter with not-me that overlaps the encounter with the nonhuman.
As we shall see, this night is the basic flavor of ecological awareness. It is a flavor I find on the inside of me, insofar as I can experience beauty. The double-entendre of my title is a deliberate attempt to speak this necessary encounter with the nonhuman, above and beyond facts and factoids about DNA, evolution, and the trillions of bacteria in my gut.
“Byron's Nonhuman”
At several points in his magnum opus The World as Will and Representation, Arthur Schopenhauer quotes Byron. These deeply sympathetic citations have to do with a feeling of being immersed in things, a mystical sense of being at one. What are the physical and phenomenological conditions of the state Byron evokes? They are far from obvious and far from straightforward. In this talk I shall be arguing that Byron's poetics is in part an attempt to think these conditions, which have to do with the basic coordinates of the experience of beauty according to Kant, Schopenhauer's predecessor. These coordinates have to do with some kind of unconditional intimacy with at least one other entity that is not me. Beauty thus provides some kind of zero degree of relating to another entity, a relating that is not prefabricated or conceptual. Yet it is precisely this relating that disturbs the Hegelian logic under which much contemporary thought still labors. What this thought cannot tolerate is, as I shall show, connected to the kind of unconditional, “empty” self-relating evoked in Kantian beauty. Hegel describes this as the night in which all cows are black. We will thus proceed with a reading of “She walks in beauty, like the night”—in which all cows are black. This poem elegantly stages the encounter with not-me that overlaps the encounter with the nonhuman.
As we shall see, this night is the basic flavor of ecological awareness. It is a flavor I find on the inside of me, insofar as I can experience beauty. The double-entendre of my title is a deliberate attempt to speak this necessary encounter with the nonhuman, above and beyond facts and factoids about DNA, evolution, and the trillions of bacteria in my gut.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
My Yes Naturally Talk
Things Are Fuzzy
awareness requires that we rethink what it means to be a thing. This is
necessary because it isn't clear that the things ecology cares about—frogs,
meadows, clouds—are things at all! I shall argue that to be a thing is to be
necessarily fuzzy. This means that you are made of things that aren't
you, thus violating a fundamental rule of logic. If we want to think
ecologically about things, we need to relax some of the logical rules.
There are deep consequences for art in so doing. One consequence is
that it becomes clear that the idea of Nature is not useful at all. For
historical reasons, this is also the case.
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