A recent experiment seems to validate correlationist or idealist interpretations of quantum theory. That's how
New Scientist wants to spin it.
There are three basic interpretations of quantum theory out there:
Idealism: reality only exists insofar as it is perceived
Correlationism: reality exists, but it can only become meaningful by being measured by (human) instruments
Realism: there is a real reality that is meaningful from its own side.
OOO stands with Bohm, Valentini and various others who cleave to this last view. But there is a significant difference.
The difference is that for OOO there is a fundamental chorismos between an object and its sensual prehension.
OOO is not a theory of lumps that are somehow personalized with qualities (substance and accidence). These lumps are ALSO sensual prehensions, nowhere near deep enough.
So it's not a matter at the QT scale of colorless quanta that gain color when they interact.
The realist interpretation of the recent experiment is that particle A exists without being measured. Yet when it is measured it assumes qualities appropriate to the measuring object.
For OOO it's as if every entity is a correlationist. Every entity is to deinotaton (Sophocles).