“Was not their mistake once more bred of the life of slavery that they had been living?—a life which was always looking upon everything, except mankind, animate and inanimate—‘nature,’ as people used to call it—as one thing, and mankind as another, it was natural to people thinking in this way, that they should try to make ‘nature’ their slave, since they thought ‘nature’ was something outside them” — William Morris

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Dalai Lama, Master of Paradoxical Communication

“We are human. Mubarak is human. He is a brutal dictator. He is not the scapegoat for my problems. We can still screw up even if he's gone. I concede a major point to the Chinese.”

And on and on. Amazing what you can pack into a simple statement isn't it? Makes me proud to be a Tibetan Buddhist. HT Graham Harman.

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