
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Cool Water for Your Burning Brain in a Burning World

 Sick of the horror yet? 

“Blake’s Songs of Innocence cry out that we don’t have to live in a world where master versus slave, human versus nonhuman, male versus female define everything. There is always a lovely, innocent excess of reality over what we think we see, our eyes dimmed by conflict and rage and fear. This is what Blake meant when he wrote, ‘To see a world in a grain of sand’ Auguries of Innocence). That grain is not defined by its place in an hourglass. ‘Satan’s watch fiends’ – the ideas, ideologies, and people that master measurement (Blake’s allegorical writing lets you be wonderfully flexible) – do not have a monopoly on that tiny crystal of silicon. You could find all kinds of sparkling facets in that grain if you looked carefully enough.”

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