
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

That's the Spirit Graham

Cole has failed to grasp the genuine reason why artists and architects have taken an interest in my work. For the past four hundred years, Western philosophy has tried like an insecure teenager to copy the methods and triumphs of deductive geometry and the natural sciences. It has tried to turn philosophy into a form of knowledge despite the unironic claim of philosophy’s founding hero, Socrates, that he knows nothing.”  -- Artforum


  1. Thanks! Just wondering, though, for those who might not be directly familiar with Kant, Meilassoux, etc., do you have any take on the response of the writer of the original article? It's difficult to know the quality of Graham's response (apart from the elegance of the prose style) without some familiarity with the arguments he's responding to, etc.

  2. Thanks! Just wondering, though, for those who might not be directly familiar with Kant, Meilassoux, etc., do you have any take on the response of the writer of the original article? It's difficult to know the quality of Graham's response (apart from the elegance of the prose style) without some familiarity with the arguments he's responding to, etc.

  3. Thanks! Just wondering, though, for those who might not be directly familiar with Kant, Meilassoux, etc., do you have any take on the response of the writer of the original article? It's difficult to know the quality of Graham's response (apart from the elegance of the prose style) without some familiarity with the arguments he's responding to, etc.

  4. Ugh, I hate technology. The system posted my comment 3 times and then I looked at Graham's blog and he'd already answered my question. Duh. Triple duh.
