
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Victorian Nonhumans

Having laid the groundwork, it's time for some serious poetry analysis. This really is one of my favorite parts of the job. I'm looking through my anthologies of Victorian poetry to find anything about nonhumans. If you want to help me please post a comment.


  1. Rossetti's goblins, Hardy's 'Dumb Friend' and his various poems featuring ghosts. "our minds are hugely quantitatively different from other terrestrial minds but perhaps not qualitatively" (Searle).

    On that note i now see the
    "Please prove you're not a robot" request. ithdrne.

  2. Seconding Hardy, for his ghosts and his trees; George Meredith for a whole cast of semi-mythic characters. You might also find George Eliot's poem "I grant you ample leave" interesting (something I'm working on now).
