
Monday, April 4, 2011

Punctum Books Press Release

Para-humanities—gotta love that term. Here's Punctum Books' press release. I am involved along with a host of others, perhaps a bestiary, perhaps a scriptorum, who knows for now...


  1. In my opinion, the punctum books project is one of the most exciting things happening right now, both in terms of theory and its creative dissemination. Just the sort of thing I would want to be involved in if I were the sort of person who wrote the sort of things people wanted to read.

  2. @Zachary: it sounds like you are *just* our sort of person then! Cheers, Eileen

  3. Be careful about encouraging me---you might end up with a manuscript on astral projection, neopythagoreanism, and Giordano Bruno written in half-English and half-bad-Italian, or some other such nonsense.

    In all seriousness, though, I am eagerly looking forward to your releases.
