
Friday, April 8, 2011

New School Symposium Liveblog 13

Clive: there are only forms, not essences. (But this is quite Aristotelian.) There is no law of design. We are now in a completely artificial world, a world without law. Anarchy. There is a reason why the anarchy has been on the table all day.

(Some verbiage from me.)

The kinds of object that now exist: little figurines between things and us. What we make is uncanny for us. It's a projection of us yet we encounter it as if it's not our projection. (Matter is formed, is what I think he's saying. He still believes that matter is different from form.)

Attunement. Thinking about it means tuning our existence to the conditions of our existence, in the best possible way.

World between, that belongs neither to nature nor to us.

(Some dialog between me and Daemian.)

Clive: Question of things doing things to time. How things can be generative of possible times. Defuturing. How one brings the future to be...

Positing ontology. Ontography (Ian Bogost).

Cameron: Doing it speculatively and making it in the design sense. Objectivity and objecthood.
Social relations as objects. Unbuilding Cities. Obduracy.

The made-up and the made-real. The made-real has forgotten that it was ever made. That gives it obduracy.

Scarry. To be human is to perceive pain and wish it to be gone.

Global warming is something we decide to make real. As opposed to the society of the spectacle gawking.

Arguments on whether humans made global warming. Upgrading: both fashioning and thinking.

From my side it's about deciding to become intimate with the hyperobject. That's what make real means. The left has failed to do what the right does. We need to get to a place of decisionism.

Scientism as left society of the spectacle. Waiting for science to validate our stuff. Rather than just deciding.

I decide I want the pleasures of cycling. Not “because scientists have convinced me bla bla bla.”

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