“Was not their mistake once more bred of the life of slavery that they had been living?—a life which was always looking upon everything, except mankind, animate and inanimate—‘nature,’ as people used to call it—as one thing, and mankind as another, it was natural to people thinking in this way, that they should try to make ‘nature’ their slave, since they thought ‘nature’ was something outside them” — William Morris

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Which Body? Witchbody!

I really do think you would like to read this book called Witchbody that Sabrina Scott wrote, and drew, and drew-wrote, and wrote-drew...I wrote the foreword, then this amazing comic book publisher has made it be everywhere. The amazon page lets you read some of it:

We keep looking in the wrong place for happiness and fulfillment. We think it must be next week. Tomorrow. Maybe 5 minutes from now I'll be truly happy. Or maybe we have regret. Happiness was then, last month, when we were small. Can't have it now. Happiness couldn't be now, could it, because that would mean it's somewhere inside.
What do you call someone who shows you that you don't have to look elsewhere for magic?
You call them a witch. And you can be that. You can be a Witchbody. Which is also a which body? Things are full of gaps and breaks, they are full of illusion, suffused with moonlight. Things are kinked and queer, everything.
You can't ever tell exactly which witch body you are. What a relief! You get to explore the strangeness of that beautiful unique twist that is just exactly you, without an official you copyright stamp in sight.
You will want this book by your side, like a window on the moon. You've invited the witch to heal you. The truth is they never really left.

If you don't know about Sabrina and her righteous brilliance, you can start with this: 

[as soon as I get off this plane I will embed a nice video]

1 comment:

Kyrke said...

Hi! I read some of your books this week and really liked them. I read them to the soundtrack of an Inti-Illimani anthology, which caused me to notice that many of their songs are very OOO-apropriate, in the sense that they talk about relating to nonhumans in a de/pre-anthropocentrising way. Some of my favourites are:

1) "Sensemayá": Canción para matar una culebra", a musical version of a cave painting, maybe;

2) "Lo que más quiero", in which a man laments the fact that various beings (humans & nonhumans) are not acting in accordance with his will, but in a very self-mocking way: "the river that I love most / doesn't want to stand still / through the roaring of his waters / it can't hear I'm thirsty";

3) "Exilada del sur", in which Violeta Parra loses various body parts while travelling through Chile.

The songs are all on YouTube and English translations of the lyrics can be found online, I think.

Greetings from windswept Mar del Plata,

Kyrke (a witch's name! The real reason why I'm posting this is a comment is that I don't have a twitter account, though.)