
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Barcelona This Week: The World's First Genuinely Hyperobjects-Themed Exhibition

So many things happening: lecture by me, rooms I designed etc etc etc 
because this ladies and gentlemen is the first hyperobjects exhibition on the planet
Recognize the title?

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Jeff VanderMeer on Hyperobjects on NPR

I hadn't heard this until  now, it's from a July show. Jeff nails it, characteristically.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Lectures This Year

Twenty-one. That's not the record, which is 31. Not yet. I'm tackling all my work piece by piece at present, which is the most comfortable way if you're doing such a variety of stuff as well as such an amount. I have a feeling though that by the end of December, I will have done a bit less than last year,  which was 29.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Dark Kaleidoscope

I'm going to be giving a little lecture at the Kunstlerhaus Bethianen today at 6pm. It's very important that we keep our imagination, which is our capacity to open the future, awake, at a time at which the urge to collapse into the fetal position is high. I think there's some art out there that you need inside of you, and we're going to be exploring that from inside some of it, because this is an installation of tremendous power and eloquence called Mirror Matter, by Emilija Škarnulytė.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

It's Las Vegas, It's an Accountant, He Has a Machine Gun--and He's in a Show Directed by David Lynch

Premonition. Art is from the future. Told you. NB: the people he's slaughtering are hired assassins.